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Sunday, October 26, 2014

TDP: Thoughts Differentiate Personalities.

TDP: Thoughts Differentiate Personalities. 

Imagine 2 identical twins, having same physical appearance, eating similar food,wearing identical  clothes, raised in same environment, attending same school, having same friend circle still they be have differently in similar situation. What differentiates them? The whole difference is how they think. Our words and actions are governed by what we think. 

Our destiny is the result of our thoughts. What we think, we speak. Our words get converted into our actions. Repeated actions get converted into our habit. Old habits turn into our character and our character decides our destiny. So watch your thoughts if you want to change your destiny. Our thoughts are combination of our accumulated knowledge and present input through various senses. What we receive in conscious stage, after analyzing in our brain, gets stored in our subconscious mind. Caution is required in what we are storing because that accumulated knowledge and wisdom 
will guide the intellect in future to take decisions. 

5 Tips to manage thoughts: 
1. Continuously watch your thoughts.
2. Do not allow negative thoughts to get stored in subconscious mind.
3. Continuously keep refining quality of your thoughts.
4. Reading good books helpin having better thought process.
5. Company of good people also helps in having better thoughts.

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