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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

SiE: Smart is Effective

SiE: Smart is Effective. 

Smart people get success more easily and quickly compared to intelligent people. Smartness leads to effectiveness. Effectiveness is doing right things in right way at right time. Intelligence can bring 
efficiency but for effectiveness one needs smartness. Most of the time it has been observed that success is not always gained by the most meritorious people but those who got success were smart enough. Smartness can be defined as a quality demonstrated by a person of being quick, witty, clever & presentable. It is found many times that a person is more knowledgeable and more intelligent but can't create an impact due to lack of smartness. Though genes can help in becoming smarter however this skill can be developed by training and continuous efforts.

5 Tips for becoming Smart:  

1. Be action oriented. One cannot be action oriented if he/she does 
not think deeply and decide quickly. 
2. Be updated. Keep Learning particularly about the field you are working in. 
3. Be presentable. A smile on the face and a decent dressing sense are needed to be likeable among a group. 
4. Be a team player. Whether you are a leader or a member, work with a team spirit. 
5. Smart people are not only good orators but also good listeners.

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