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Saturday, October 4, 2014

PAP: Prayers Are Powerful.

PAP: Prayers Are Powerful. 

According to The book Men from the Mars and Women from Venus, a
man when he is passing through problems, he does not want to share
with anyone. He feels inferior in asking. Probably this is men's ego. However most of us do not have problem in praying to whatever God
we have belief in. And most of the time our prayers are answered
positively and our faith further gets cemented.

Prayers are powerful not because someone is sitting somewhere and
listening our problems and helping us in solving them. Basically when
we pray, we give positive command to our mind to work for whatever
we wish. Mind has so much power that entire universe start working for
realisation of its command. When mind is alert it can find creative and innovative solution, trace opportunities and when we work for that
success is bound to be there.

5 Tips for effective Prayers:
1. Decide what you want to achieve.
2. Pray for the same first thing in the morning and pray before you
3. Pray to, in whom you have complete trust.
4. Prayers are answered in the form of opportunities. Keep your eyes and ears opened.
5. Action will only bring reward. Prayers only are not enough.

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