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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

PIV: Patience Is Virtue.

PIV: Patience Is Virtue. 

Patience is a virtue, not many have. Where most of us are running after
materialistic life, it is not easy to develop quality of patience. Except bad
money, cheap publicity and ugly power nothing worthwhile is achieved
without patience. All great leaders and achievers such as Gandhi, Albert
Einstein, Thomas Edison, Mother Teresa, Jamshedji Tata, Sachin
Tendulkar, Warren Buffet have or had virtue of patience.

Real test of patience is when one is going through adversity and pain. Almost all religions have advocated the importance of patience and teach us to keep faith in almighty while going through suffering. The patience and faith gives greater mental strength to deal with pain. One needs to develop patience as a habit, right from dealing in small situation such as waiting in a queue to fighting with cancer. This is one of the most important virtues needed for getting almost any thing in life.
5 Tips to develop Patience:
1. Meditation can help in developing patience.
2. Religious and philosophical teaching can help in attaining peace of mind.
3. Mother raising child is the best example of patience to watch.
4. Watch your thoughts, if you are developing irritation, frustration immediately withdraw from situation.
5. Divert your mind on some positive subject.

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