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Sunday, October 5, 2014

PGE: Passion Gives Excellence.

PGE: Passion Gives Excellence. 

The level of passion and the level of excellence are directly related.
Your level of excellence will go as high as your level of passion towards
your purpose. Passion is defined as intense feeling and emotions about
some thing. The best example is Sachin Tendulkar's passion for cricket.

A child will get the highest grade in a subject for which he is passionate about. He needs the least efforts for that subject. When you are passionate about some thing, your body, mind, heart and soul work in unison for that purpose. And when your entire being is working
unilaterally for some thing, excellence has to be there.

Passion cannot be burdened or forced on someone. It may so happen that person is unaware of the subjects for which he can be passionate about and wrongly he has taken up studies, job or relationship, which
he is not finding interesting. In such a situation it is better to change your path rather than struggling hard to develop passion for current subject.

5 Tips to pursue Passion:
1. Try to identify your passion.
2. If unable to find your passion, take professional help.
3. Keep expanding your vision around your passion.
4. Keep working in focused way for your passion.
5. Make passion your main goal. Money, fame and power will follow.

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