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Monday, October 20, 2014



Often we give control of our mind, body, heart and soul to someone else. Some one said, live your dreams otherwise others will use you to fulfil theirs. I will not be exaggerating if I say 99% of people do not have any great plans when they get up in the morning. Their ideology is to flow with the flow. 

Take control of your life by making your own decisions. There is nothing wrong in taking advise of various people but one should always take their own decisions. Decision leads to actions. One need to visualise consequences of his actions. There are also people who drive rashly and end up with an accident. I mean they take decisions with out any proper thought and analysis of consequences. That should be avoided. 

5 Tips about how to drive your life safely and meaningfully. 
1.  Create an image in your head before physically creating it.
2. Thoroughly Visualise consequences before taking any action. 
3. Take help of family, friends and experts if needed. 
4. Take into confidence all concerned before taking any action. 
5. Take quick action.

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