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Thursday, October 23, 2014

SBH: Simplicity Brings Happiness.

Simple living high thinking is the 
mantra for creating happiness in life. 
Now a days, we have started buying 
things, more for showing off the family 
status to friends and society than for 
our own comfort. The logo on shirt and the emblem on the car gives more satisfaction than comfort of using it. Many may argue that branded things are better in quality but it is equally true that 
similar quality things are also available at cheaper price. The other problem of running after a brand is that it gives more pain, if you don't  get it. 

Simplicity needs to be reflected not only in the kind of things we are using but also in each and every action of ours. For example the way we talk, the way we treat and behave with other people 
specially juniors. Simplicity is seen in every action of ours  and it is possible only if we have high level of spiritual thinking. We need to reach a state where there are no more egos; attachment is at 
minimum level and where neither pleasure nor pains could turmoil our mind. 

5 Tips for Simple living: 
1. Look For comfort and utility while buying things.
2. Do not show off particularly to those who are a deprived lot.
3.  Keep enhancing your wisdom.
4.  Don't  try to impress people.
5.  Target For happiness and peace of mind.

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