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Monday, October 6, 2014

PGO: Problems Generate opportunities.

PGO: Problems Generate opportunities. 

The difference between wise and ordinary is that when a problem arises, ordinary person tries to solve the problem and wise person searches for opportunities in the problem. If you are a human being, problems are inevitable bothin personal and professional life. 

If you get detected for diabetes, consider that it's an opportunity to live more disciplined and healthy life by regular walk, yoga and exercise. If you lose the job, probably it is an opportunity to start 
your own enterprise. Opportunities are hidden in every situation. One needs to be more alert, more cautious, maintain positive frame of mind and be more innovative. Develop your attitude like a sponge ball. As hard you get hit to the 
wall, you bounce back with double the force. Problems are like stones, as close you keep from your eyes, they block the vision. As far you keep them away, they will appear smaller and smaller. 

5 Tips to generate opportunities out of problems: 
1. When problem arises, do not allow your mind to go in a negative mode. 
2. First find an immediate solution to tackle the problem. 
3. Use your creative mind to find opportunities in the situation. 
4. Do not keep staring at the closed door. 
5. Take the help of experts if needed.

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