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Friday, October 31, 2014

AIP: Ability Increases Power.

AIP: Ability Increases Power. 

Whatever role you are playing or whatever field you are into, becoming powerful and influential in that field is of utmost importance. Power is needed to get fame and success. 

Question is how to get genuine power? 
Power is basically the fruit. To get good fruit one needs to nurture the root. Ability and capability are the roots of power. Therefore, it's mandatory to keep developing ability and capability by learning and training. Mainly, power is categorized into three areas i.e. Physical, Mental and Monetary. In Indian mythology, Durga; Saraswati  and Lakshmi symbolize them. 

Though, in modern era, monetary power is considered more important than intellect and physical power. Yet, monetary power can't be optimally utilized in absence of physical and mental power. 

5 Tips to develop ability. 
1. Select thefieldin which you want to increase yourinfluence.
2. Keeplearning through education, training & reading.
3. Apply yourintellectin practicality. 
4. Interact with expertsin thefield.
5. Grow the network of people associated with the related field.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

UTW: Ultimately Truth Wins

UTW: Ultimately Truth Wins. 

Truth is a debit card, pay first and enjoy later. Lie is a credit card, enjoy first and pay later. Truth may be painful initially but lie will have deeper wounds and will hurt you life long. Truth may be bitter 
initially but it will cure all problems and on the other hand lie will taste sweeter but will be harmful forever. Lie may win initially but ultimately truth wins. A lie will add to your troubles, subtract your energy, multiply your difficulties and divide yourjoy whereas a truth will add to your happiness, subtract your troubles, multiply your joy and divide your problems. 

Sometimes it may look that a small lie can save your relationship but no matter howsoever small a lie is, it will steal your peace of mind and happiness. And when lie gets detected, it hurts much deeper. When the situation is that the truth can hurt, plan your words carefully so that shock is not sudden and wounds are not deep. 

5 Tips for telling truth: 
1. Select right time, right words and right situation before telling a truth. 
2. If you do not have courage to tell the truth, maintain silence rather than covering up with lies. 
3. Do not mix emotions with truth. It will get distorted.
4. It may be harmful in short term but in long term it will be more effective.
5. Truth may be subjective so listen carefully to others also.

Monday, October 27, 2014

TSR: Transparency Strengthens Relationship

TSR: Transparency Strengthens Relationship. 
We are prospering in terms of  wealth but our relationships are on the verge of bankruptcy. The prime reason is lack of transparency and trust. Our thoughts, words and actions are not aligned. People are smart enough to differentiate between actions and intentions. In such a situation, one can only have either formal or professional relationship but not trust based relationship. 

No relationship can be strong if trust is lacking. Trust is the foundation of a long lasting relationship. The main reason for 
breakup in a relationship is the broken trust. Some time misunderstanding can crop up in-spite of our genuineness but best way to remove misunderstanding is to go and talk straight away. Speak up your mind and be transparent. It will be easy to regain the lost trust. Transparency in words is not enough. One needs to be transparent in thoughts & actions also.Following needs to be done to be transparent. 

5 Tips for maintaining transparency in relationship. 
1. Align your thoughts, words and actions. 
2. Develop courage to speak your mind with people. 
3. Try to walkin the shoes of other person and understand the
situation from his/her point of view. 
4. Take the feedback without trying to justify yourself. 
5. Express your regret on realization of your fault. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

TDP: Thoughts Differentiate Personalities.

TDP: Thoughts Differentiate Personalities. 

Imagine 2 identical twins, having same physical appearance, eating similar food,wearing identical  clothes, raised in same environment, attending same school, having same friend circle still they be have differently in similar situation. What differentiates them? The whole difference is how they think. Our words and actions are governed by what we think. 

Our destiny is the result of our thoughts. What we think, we speak. Our words get converted into our actions. Repeated actions get converted into our habit. Old habits turn into our character and our character decides our destiny. So watch your thoughts if you want to change your destiny. Our thoughts are combination of our accumulated knowledge and present input through various senses. What we receive in conscious stage, after analyzing in our brain, gets stored in our subconscious mind. Caution is required in what we are storing because that accumulated knowledge and wisdom 
will guide the intellect in future to take decisions. 

5 Tips to manage thoughts: 
1. Continuously watch your thoughts.
2. Do not allow negative thoughts to get stored in subconscious mind.
3. Continuously keep refining quality of your thoughts.
4. Reading good books helpin having better thought process.
5. Company of good people also helps in having better thoughts.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

SiG: Silence is Golden.

SiG: Silence is Golden. 

There are 2 kind of people who keep silence: A timid and a wise.  A timid does not know what to speak & wise thinks why he should speak. Except when you 
are an excellent orator and your profession 
demands oratory skills like political leaders, religious leaders, marketing 
professionals & trainers, excess words will do more harm than any good. You will always be tempted to trouble your tongue but mostly it will bring trouble in your life. Whenever you are upset for any reason, first step to save yourself from stupidity is to seal your 
lips. Even a one-minute silence can change future course of action. 
People who maintain silence are actually  talking to self. Such 
people mostly weigh their words before uttering, so it creates a 
great impact on the audience.

5 Tips to maintain Silence.   
1. Maintaining silence requires higher degree of self-control. 
2. Allow others to speak so that you can have a better strategy before you speak because once spoken, retrieving words is impossible.  
3. One can be very generous in spending money but should be 
very miser in spending words. 
4. Quality of words are more important than quantity of words. 
5. Rephrase sentences several times before you speak.

SGM: Smile Go Miles.

I lived for more than 10 years in Indonesia. Indonesia is the 4  most populated country with 90% plus Muslims. I learned the 
importance and impact of smile in Indonesia. A totally unknown person, irrespective of gender will give a subtle smile when you enter in lift or meet in close  proximity. Human brain is designed to remember the images, not the words. When we meet someone with a smiling face, he/she will remember us for years because we have left a positive image on his/her mind. Smile helps in radiating positive energy between people. 

When we are upset but have learned to smile it can hold back our tongue from uttering unwanted words, it can seal our lips so that we do not regret later. Smile in the face of a problem can boost the enthusiasm around us. A smile on the face of a looser can take away the thrill of  a winner. 

5 tips about smiling: 
1. Smile genuinely. Fake smile may have negative impact.
2. Develop a habit of smiling.
3. Let gender, caste, creed, class not come between you and 
your smile.
4. Greet first with smile.
5. Have positive thoughts. It is not possible to give genuine 
smile with negative thoughts. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

SBH: Simplicity Brings Happiness.

Simple living high thinking is the 
mantra for creating happiness in life. 
Now a days, we have started buying 
things, more for showing off the family 
status to friends and society than for 
our own comfort. The logo on shirt and the emblem on the car gives more satisfaction than comfort of using it. Many may argue that branded things are better in quality but it is equally true that 
similar quality things are also available at cheaper price. The other problem of running after a brand is that it gives more pain, if you don't  get it. 

Simplicity needs to be reflected not only in the kind of things we are using but also in each and every action of ours. For example the way we talk, the way we treat and behave with other people 
specially juniors. Simplicity is seen in every action of ours  and it is possible only if we have high level of spiritual thinking. We need to reach a state where there are no more egos; attachment is at 
minimum level and where neither pleasure nor pains could turmoil our mind. 

5 Tips for Simple living: 
1. Look For comfort and utility while buying things.
2. Do not show off particularly to those who are a deprived lot.
3.  Keep enhancing your wisdom.
4.  Don't  try to impress people.
5.  Target For happiness and peace of mind.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Give respect to get respect.

Monday, October 20, 2014



Often we give control of our mind, body, heart and soul to someone else. Some one said, live your dreams otherwise others will use you to fulfil theirs. I will not be exaggerating if I say 99% of people do not have any great plans when they get up in the morning. Their ideology is to flow with the flow. 

Take control of your life by making your own decisions. There is nothing wrong in taking advise of various people but one should always take their own decisions. Decision leads to actions. One need to visualise consequences of his actions. There are also people who drive rashly and end up with an accident. I mean they take decisions with out any proper thought and analysis of consequences. That should be avoided. 

5 Tips about how to drive your life safely and meaningfully. 
1.  Create an image in your head before physically creating it.
2. Thoroughly Visualise consequences before taking any action. 
3. Take help of family, friends and experts if needed. 
4. Take into confidence all concerned before taking any action. 
5. Take quick action.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


The stars are not jealous of other stars. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

SiO: Suffering is Optional.

SiO: Suffering is Optional. 

I learned from my father that pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. When he got diagnosed with cancer and doctors predicted only 3 months more of his life, he was confident that he still had 3 more years to live. In that duration he wrote 2 books and got them published. In spite of severe pain and terminal disease he always had smile on his face and lived with full energy and purpose in life. No one in the world is immune from problems and pains. It is not the problems, which are painful, it is the way we handle them. Strong will power, positive attitude and fighting spirit can reduce the intensity of any difficulty. 

Few people are like water in the pond, that even a small stone can  create endless ripples. On the other hand some people are like ocean, throw any thing in that,it does not make any difference. 

5 tips to face any problem: 
1. Do not lose your confidence. 
2. Explore the options.
3. Take the help of expert.
4. Smile In the face of a problem.
5. Choose the available options and fight head on like a bull.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

SiE: Smart is Effective

SiE: Smart is Effective. 

Smart people get success more easily and quickly compared to intelligent people. Smartness leads to effectiveness. Effectiveness is doing right things in right way at right time. Intelligence can bring 
efficiency but for effectiveness one needs smartness. Most of the time it has been observed that success is not always gained by the most meritorious people but those who got success were smart enough. Smartness can be defined as a quality demonstrated by a person of being quick, witty, clever & presentable. It is found many times that a person is more knowledgeable and more intelligent but can't create an impact due to lack of smartness. Though genes can help in becoming smarter however this skill can be developed by training and continuous efforts.

5 Tips for becoming Smart:  

1. Be action oriented. One cannot be action oriented if he/she does 
not think deeply and decide quickly. 
2. Be updated. Keep Learning particularly about the field you are working in. 
3. Be presentable. A smile on the face and a decent dressing sense are needed to be likeable among a group. 
4. Be a team player. Whether you are a leader or a member, work with a team spirit. 
5. Smart people are not only good orators but also good listeners.

Monday, October 13, 2014



You may find this tip very different and unusual. Mostly, we are busy in showing off our importance and not realizing that our role is already over and we are not required anymore to take decisions on their behalf. Without realizing this fact we keep poking our nose in the matters where our importance has already finished or it was never there as we were thinking. 

For example, a daughter after marriage interfering in her parent's home; a mother expecting from her son that he will give as much time as he was giving before marriage; a boss wanting to influence ex-subordinates after he has been transferred to a different department or organization. 

5 Tips to Realise Unimportance. 
1. Be emotionally intelligent.
2. When other persons are not giving you any importance, understand they are independent enough to handle the  situation.
3. One needs to be conscious and alert when communicating with others to get signals of irritation & coldness. 
4. Continuously analyse your role.
5. Advise only when asked for.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

QiQ: Quality is Quintessential

QiQ: Quality is Quintessential. 

Whatever you think, whatever you talk, whatever you do, add the flavor of quality to it and you will be able to deliver extraordinary performance. Quality of thoughts is as essential as quality of things. If your thoughts are not qualitative, your words and actions can't be. It is imperative that we keep getting thoughts, which pollute our thinking, but continuous cleaning is important as we 
clean our house, body, clothes etc. Before uttering your words, check the quality and rephrase your sentences. This trait can change the quality of your life tremendously.  Finally, quality of your action will improve your performance, your image  and your spirit. 

The existence of your business or profession depends on quality of product and services you are offering to your customer and client. Quality depends upon quality of input material, process and quality check for final output. 

5 Tips for making quality a way of life: 
1. Develop the culture of quality consciousness in personal as well as professional life.
2. Quality of output depends on quality of input and process.
3. In short term, quality may cost you but in long term, it is an Investment.
4. Continuous monitoring is needed to achieve the quality consistently. 
5. Use less quantity but use good quality.



Always remember that the speed with which  your reputation is talked about is faster than  you can imagine. Wherever you are going, your  reputation is already waiting there. In the era of social networking the speed has increased manifold. It is good and advantageous if your reputationis good but it is dangerous if your reputation is bad. 
Build your goodwill and reputation; protect your name at all cost. 

Earlier it was easy to have gap between what you are and how people 
perceive you, but now people can't be deceived. One can't keep wearing fake mask for a long time. So better drop all your bad habits and character flaws. Do not compromise your values for the sake of short-term gains. In long term, whatever wrong you are doing today, will damage you manifold in future. Reputation is like a glass; once the crack is developed it is not easy to gain its original form again. It is not easy to build good reputation and certainly not possible to build it overnight. Promoting false name over night may be easy but building good reputation requires life time efforts. 

5 Tips to Build Reputation: 
1. Honesty is the foundation for trust and trust is the foundation 
for goodwill.
2. Look for long-term benefits than short-term gains.
3. One bad work has power to destroy 99 good works.
4. Keep company of good people and leave company of bad 
5. Be ready to pay any price to protect the name.

Friday, October 10, 2014

PSR: Possessiveness Suffocates Relationship.

PSR: Possessiveness Suffocates Relationship. 
Relationship should be maintained like holding 
a bird in hand. If you hold it tightly, it will suffocate and die. If you hold it loosely, it will fly. If  you  hold  with love and care, it will stay with you. 

In Indian context, I feel that we tend to be very 
possessive about our spouse and children, 
compared to western culture. Possessiveness
increases attachment, which in turn increases expectations. Till today it had not created much of the problems but due to rise in nuclear families, distances due to jobs and increase in working 
females, there is mismatch between modern life style and 
traditional values. It is becoming a major cause of strain in relationships. Present circumstances and changing culture 
demands more space to be given in close relationships. 

5 Tips to handle Relationship. 
1. Trust is the foundation of a strong relationship. 
2. Good understanding is the basic need of relationship. 
3. Giving space is important in relationship. 
4. People are generally different not difficult. 
5. Men and women are genetically different and need to be handled accordingly.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

PRS: Progress Require Speed

PRS: Progress Require Speed:

Patience in planning and impatience in execution is the secret of success. One may have a great dream, an excellent idea, meticulous preparation, sufficient resources, and competent team but if they lack execution with speed, it will all be useless. Quick action is the key to success. It may happen that chances of failure increases but that can be compensated with excellent preparation but nothing can fill the gap of execution with speed. 
For speedy execution, prepare detailed action plan with responsibility and target date after thorough and due deliberation. 

For complex projects help of statistical tools can be taken otherwise a simple activity chart with start and finish date can be sufficient. However if day to day follow-ups of each and every activity is not done and plan is not reviewed every day, speed cannot be achieved. Inactiveness and procrastination are speed breakers and hurdles for progress. Be demanding, be aggressive in 
implementation and execution, and be ruthless in follow-ups, if 
you really want to achieve some thing worthwhile. 

5 Steps to work with speed: 
1. Prepare activity chart with responsibility and 
target dates. 
2. Do continuous follow-ups. 
3. Eliminate overlapping activities. 
4. Set time target for each sub activity.
5. Eliminate bureaucratic processes.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014



Whatever profession we are in, unless and until we perform, our 
customers and clients are not going to trust us. If you are a doctor, 
patients should get right and quick treatment. If you are an advocate, client must get quick and favourable verdict. If you are working as an employee and if you do not perform, you will be out soon. 

Few years back, in an organisation, loyalty was more important. Even an average or below average performer was acceptable if he had devoted his physical life for the organisation. But since liberalisation in India, it is either Perform or Perish. Now a days 
you cannot survive on past glories. To retain your job, every year 
you have to prove your worth and keep adding value. Few Fortune 
500 corporates have a policy to remove bottom 10% least performer every year so that they can hire better talent. 

 5 Tips to keep performing:
1. Every day is a new day to add value in your work.
2.  Use innovative ideas to give some thing different.
3. Set the tough goals periodically. 
4. Keep enhancing knowledge about your profession. 
5. Success is journey; it's not afinal destination. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

PIV: Patience Is Virtue.

PIV: Patience Is Virtue. 

Patience is a virtue, not many have. Where most of us are running after
materialistic life, it is not easy to develop quality of patience. Except bad
money, cheap publicity and ugly power nothing worthwhile is achieved
without patience. All great leaders and achievers such as Gandhi, Albert
Einstein, Thomas Edison, Mother Teresa, Jamshedji Tata, Sachin
Tendulkar, Warren Buffet have or had virtue of patience.

Real test of patience is when one is going through adversity and pain. Almost all religions have advocated the importance of patience and teach us to keep faith in almighty while going through suffering. The patience and faith gives greater mental strength to deal with pain. One needs to develop patience as a habit, right from dealing in small situation such as waiting in a queue to fighting with cancer. This is one of the most important virtues needed for getting almost any thing in life.
5 Tips to develop Patience:
1. Meditation can help in developing patience.
2. Religious and philosophical teaching can help in attaining peace of mind.
3. Mother raising child is the best example of patience to watch.
4. Watch your thoughts, if you are developing irritation, frustration immediately withdraw from situation.
5. Divert your mind on some positive subject.

Monday, October 6, 2014

PGO: Problems Generate opportunities.

PGO: Problems Generate opportunities. 

The difference between wise and ordinary is that when a problem arises, ordinary person tries to solve the problem and wise person searches for opportunities in the problem. If you are a human being, problems are inevitable bothin personal and professional life. 

If you get detected for diabetes, consider that it's an opportunity to live more disciplined and healthy life by regular walk, yoga and exercise. If you lose the job, probably it is an opportunity to start 
your own enterprise. Opportunities are hidden in every situation. One needs to be more alert, more cautious, maintain positive frame of mind and be more innovative. Develop your attitude like a sponge ball. As hard you get hit to the 
wall, you bounce back with double the force. Problems are like stones, as close you keep from your eyes, they block the vision. As far you keep them away, they will appear smaller and smaller. 

5 Tips to generate opportunities out of problems: 
1. When problem arises, do not allow your mind to go in a negative mode. 
2. First find an immediate solution to tackle the problem. 
3. Use your creative mind to find opportunities in the situation. 
4. Do not keep staring at the closed door. 
5. Take the help of experts if needed.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

PGE: Passion Gives Excellence.

PGE: Passion Gives Excellence. 

The level of passion and the level of excellence are directly related.
Your level of excellence will go as high as your level of passion towards
your purpose. Passion is defined as intense feeling and emotions about
some thing. The best example is Sachin Tendulkar's passion for cricket.

A child will get the highest grade in a subject for which he is passionate about. He needs the least efforts for that subject. When you are passionate about some thing, your body, mind, heart and soul work in unison for that purpose. And when your entire being is working
unilaterally for some thing, excellence has to be there.

Passion cannot be burdened or forced on someone. It may so happen that person is unaware of the subjects for which he can be passionate about and wrongly he has taken up studies, job or relationship, which
he is not finding interesting. In such a situation it is better to change your path rather than struggling hard to develop passion for current subject.

5 Tips to pursue Passion:
1. Try to identify your passion.
2. If unable to find your passion, take professional help.
3. Keep expanding your vision around your passion.
4. Keep working in focused way for your passion.
5. Make passion your main goal. Money, fame and power will follow.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

PAP: Prayers Are Powerful.

PAP: Prayers Are Powerful. 

According to The book Men from the Mars and Women from Venus, a
man when he is passing through problems, he does not want to share
with anyone. He feels inferior in asking. Probably this is men's ego. However most of us do not have problem in praying to whatever God
we have belief in. And most of the time our prayers are answered
positively and our faith further gets cemented.

Prayers are powerful not because someone is sitting somewhere and
listening our problems and helping us in solving them. Basically when
we pray, we give positive command to our mind to work for whatever
we wish. Mind has so much power that entire universe start working for
realisation of its command. When mind is alert it can find creative and innovative solution, trace opportunities and when we work for that
success is bound to be there.

5 Tips for effective Prayers:
1. Decide what you want to achieve.
2. Pray for the same first thing in the morning and pray before you
3. Pray to, in whom you have complete trust.
4. Prayers are answered in the form of opportunities. Keep your eyes and ears opened.
5. Action will only bring reward. Prayers only are not enough.

Friday, October 3, 2014


Prepare For Worst

It is not necessary that we get whatever we plan. Our plan for studies, job, project, business, vacations etc. can fail and wise people are those who keep their plan B ready so that they can be on track again in no time. Do your best but at the same time be prepared for the worst. It gives peace of mind and sudden shocks will not shatter you. 

The best time to prepare for the worst is when every thing is going very well. That time one has spare time and additional resources to plan for future eventualities. Always keep in mind that whether best time or worst time, it may not last forever. Going for a sufficient insurance and saving regularly from income are wise habits. Preparing for worst time is like keeping spare tire in the car. You never know when tyre will go flat. 

5 Tips to prepare for Bad Time:
1. Always be prepared and keep plan B ready. 
2. Never take you eyes off from future eventualities. 
3. Do not hesitate in investing part of your resources for plan B, though it may go all waste. 
4. Never keep your all eggs in one basket. 
5. Save and insure for future. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

10 faced of Ravana

10 Faces of Ravana:  

10 Faces of Ravana out of which 9 was advised to be dropped by his guru Mahabali when Ravana's education was complete. 

1. Anger: 
Mahabali: Anger is the lowest emotion. It clouds the intellect and can make you do foolish things. You become blind to reason and react only with your body, without thinking. This leads to failure in every sphere. Uproot this evil from your system. 
Ravana: I agree that misdirected anger can cause harm. Is it not anger that will electrify my thoughts and push me into positive action? I am sorry sir I will never lose this emotional head - the head of anger. 

2. Pride: 
Mahabali: Arrogance stem from pride and kills clear thinking and vision. Pride makes you underestimate your foes and overestimate yourself. 
Ravana: Why should pride and vanity be held in contempt? I feel proud about myself for having immense energy and the will to succeed. I do not believe that person should always be meek, beg for food or live in eternal poverty. If I struggle hard to achieve success, I have every right to be proud of it. Success breeds pride and vanity. And pride is the only reward of success. 

3. Jealousy:
Mahabali: Jealousy makes you pine for other man's kingdom, wealth, wife and fame. This emotion has lead to many wars, bloodshed and tears since time immemorial. 
Ravana: Jealousy is the biggest force that motivates humankind. Jealousy is the driving force of progress, envy is the motivating force of life. The need for importance is the most important of urges after the basic physical urges of food, shelter and success. Sorry sir, what you are asking is impractical. 

4&5. Happiness & Sadness: 
Mahabali: happiness and sadness are just two eternal truths like day and night. A man of superior intellect is never affected by these emotions. Equanimity is not only desirable, but a must. 
Ravana: You talk about equanimity in sadness and happiness. Is this possible ever? When my beloved ones depart from this world, should I remain calm?  If I do not find happiness in the beauty of rising sun, if I cannot feel ecstasy in the small of a little baby, If I cannot lose myself in the happiness of music, is life worth living?  

6. Fear: 
Mahabali: fear is not an emotion, it is a disease. It spreads from the leader to his followers and vice-versa. 
Ravana: Sir I am not afraid to say that I am scared. I am no coward but fear sleeps somewhere in my heart. I am afraid of death. I am afraid that my loved ones may fall prey to disease. But I do not fear fear so much as to deny its very existence. It is this  fear that helps me remain prepared for dangers that I must face. 

7. Selfishness: 
Mahabali: A man who thinks of himself alone is the most unlucky person of all. What is his life worth if it does not light in the darkness. 
Ravana: when I see a lovely girl, a fascinating place, a charming village, a sparkling diamond, a prosperous country, ambition flutters in my soul. I am willing to risk being known as the most selfish man in the world, rather than dying unknown as a selfless non-entity. 

8. Love: 
Mahabali: Love is a chain that ties you to the millstone of make belief. Do your duty to your people, parents, wife, sisters, brothers and Gods but never ever love them. Love makes you weak. 
Ravana: Without love, without the king of emotions, nothing exists. There is nothing more pure than the love a mother for her baby. Is this life worth living, if we do not feel love for your own brothers, sisters, father, mother, wife and children. I love because I exist and I exist because I love. 

9 Ambition:
Mahabali: Take only what life offers you as your own. Let your life follow its own tide. Aim for things and strive to achieve them, but always keep your feet solidly on the ground. Think, think and think before you act. 
Ravana: Ambition is key to progress. Without ambition, men would have remained hunters. Ambition is the horse that pulls our lives forward. The amazing speed of progress man has achieved in the past would have not been achieved without the small flame of ambition in the minds of a few men, which was fanned to become a huge fire by the other emotions you have urges me to shun. 

10. Mind:
Mahabali: The only thing worth preserving is your mind. Your mind absorbs the knowledge you gain from your Gurus, your books and your life, and refines it to great wisdom. Every living minute you have to strive to feed your mind with fresh and positive inputs. This will give clarity to your vision and immense power to your action. You will make fewer mistakes and also learn faster from them. 
Ravana: History teaches us that without any other emotions, intelligence is just an empty skeleton. There is no life in it. No rishi living in a forest ever conceived a great city, no sage was determined to built temples, no brahmin desired to built great ships for trade. These are built by men who had pride in their veins, anger in their mind, who cried when they were sad and laughed when they were happy. They constantly kept raising their levels of ambition. Intelligence is just a tool to serve our emotions.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

CIG: Cleanliness is Godliness:

CIG: Cleanliness is Godliness: 

Indians have tradition to do minimum twice a year massive cleaning operations in each home and office. Before DIWALI and HOLI. India had system that before establishing any new village, they will invite pig farming community to first get established in the village so that domestic waste can be taken care off by them. Father of nation Gandhiji had five lot of emphasis on cleanliness. Our PM Narendra Modi has also taken up a mission to have Clean India by 2019 to offer a gratitude to Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary.  

In 1990 when first I went to Indonesia, I got amazed to see hospitals and malls there. They were maintained no less than 5 star hotels and I wished, if our India can also be of the same standard in cleanliness. One can give vision and mission but we all 125 crore people need to put in our efforts to make it realised. 

5. Tips for we citizens to make Clean India by 2019:
1. Place for every thing and every thing in place. 
2. Treat public places as equivalent to drawing room of our house. Do not throw waste, urinate in open, spit on walls etc. 
3. Keep your work place as clean as we keep our house. 
4. Wear neat and clean clothes not necessarily be costly. 
5. Beside day to day cleaning routine, set aside one day every month or quarter for complete and thorough cleaning operations.