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Thursday, November 27, 2014

CYP: Create Your Path.

The best way to have good-luckis to create your own destiny. Most 
of you will question that how one can create his own destiny. You may reject the idea as being rubbish. Destiny is nothing but day-to-day things one does on a daily basis, reaction of those actions emerges as a destiny in future. You plant a mango tree today and 
take care ofit by giving water and fertiliser; in future you are bound 
to get mangoes. 

Our problem is we fail to take decision even for small matters such as what to cook tonight or what to wear in the party. We give command of our life in the hands of others. Allowing some one to rule your life for sake of love is different but receiving commands for important matters, will lead you to become what others want to make you, not what you want to become. If you wish to fulfil your dreams, create your own path. 

5 Tips to create your path. 

1. Be incharge of your actions.
2. Set the vision, decide the strategy and act accordingly.
3. Differentiate between good karma and bad karma. Focus on good karma only.
4. Be clear about your role and do your duty.
5. Only action is in your hand, not the consequences. Keep patience. Result of good karma will certainly be good.

दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
नज़र निशाने पे रहे, लगे लक्ष्य पे बाण।
अपने सपनों के लिये, करे सुपथ निर्माण।।

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