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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

ABH: Appreciation Brings Happiness.

ABH: Appreciation Brings Happiness. 

We Indians are extremely stringent 
in appreciating others as well as self. 
Though there are many who are 
expert in faking appreciation, which 
is called as CHAMCHAGIRI in Indian slang. Normally, we are good 
in appreciating and encouraging children but refrain our self when 
it comes to appreciating our better half or a colleague. Praise can change anyone's attitude and raise anyone's altitude. 

The power of appreciation in boosting confidence is tremendous. Appreciation encourages you to perform better in order to live up to the expectation of the one who praises. Many times the praise or appreciative words may be an exaggeration, nevertheless those 
words set a minimum bench mark for performance and one ends up with a better than expected performance. Genuine appreciation  boost the moral and create happiness between the parties. 

5 Tips for Genuine Appreciation. 
1.  Praise publicly, criticise privately.
2.  Never miss an opportunity to praise. 
3.  Be truthful and genuine in praising.
4.  If possible give some thing in reward along with the words.
5.  Try to publicize good work in a relevant group

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