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Sunday, November 30, 2014

DMM: Determination Moves Mountains.

River water can cut the rocks not only because of its force but because of its perseverance. Extra-ordinary intelligence or charismatic behavior is not at all mandatory for becoming 
successful in life. The only thing which matters here is your determination to overcome difficulties. Once the target is set, continuity of efforts is needed to get the results. Problems would arise, but problems look tiny in front of person whois standing like a rock for his/her mission. Frankly speaking, determined person would always find innovative ways to overcome any difficulty.

Let's take example of fields such as sports, politics, films,industries 
or agriculture, success has been achieved by each and every person 
who was determined for his/her cause. Most gifted tennis player does not become a champion, but most determined and dedicated one does. Most Intelligent person does not become most successful entrepreneur, most determined and dedicated does. Take any field; if you have determination and dedication, it can overcome any weakness. 

5 Tips for determination. 

1.  Do not entertain any excuses.
2.  Follow strict time discipline.
3.  Let failure not deter you.
4.  Keep trust in self and the God.
5.  Keep patience. Rewards take their own time to materialize.

दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
ठान लिया मन मे अगर, पर्वत शीश झुकाय।
दृढ प्रतिज्ञ के सामने, जग बौना हो जाय।।

Saturday, November 29, 2014

DNH: Destroy Negative Habits.

The  Spelling  of  HABIT  is  very  interesting. You  remove H, A  BIT is there. Remove A, BIT is there. Remove B, IT is still there.  Habits can be positive as well as negative. Mostly, when we have lesser control on our senses, we develop negative habits. To develop a positive habit one needs a strong mind. Irony is that, many times we are not even aware of our negative habits, so taking regular feedbacks from our near and dear ones can help in knowing our bad habits.

Having the knowledge of bad habit is the first step towards working in the direction of removing it. Research says that removing an old habit or developing a new habit requires conscious efforts of 21 days. In 21 days, if you miss any day then start counting again from one. One thing for sure, expecting positive results from negative habit is like expecting mangoes from a neem tree. A habit whether good or bad, is like a master which controls you as a slave. 

5 Tips to deal with bad habits. 

1. Make a list of bad habits.
2. Deal with one at a time.
3. Develop strong will power.
4. Ask your near and dear ones to help you in fighting bad habit.
5. Develop a good habit to replace a bad habit.

दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
अच्छी आदत आपको, देती सदव्यव्हार।
ग़लत आदतों का करे, जड़ समेत संहार।।

Thursday, November 27, 2014

CNM: Courage Needs Maturity

An individual can be courageous at different aspects of personality 
such as physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. It is also quite possible in one aspect a person is courageous but in another he is fearful. 

People are courageous, fearless, confident, knowledgeable, powerful, & astoundingly rich but, do they use maturity in showing all these qualities. The word “maturity” over here can be defined as behaving in right way 
at right time, at right place and with right people. A man can be physically very strong but may beat his wife. An extremely knowledgeable person may call his competent a junior fool. A very rich person may not give enough salary to his employees. What is the use of such courage, braveness or affluence? 

Courage without maturity is like a man without brain. Courage is needed to show consideration for the weak. The right combination of courage and consideration reflects maturity. Such people are more calm, kind, humble and down to earth. 

5 Tips to develop and use courage. 

1. Different techniques should be used for developing courage at different level. 
2. To overcome thefear,faceit.
3.  Demonstrate courage with maturity.
4.  Do not misuse your courage to suppress  the weaker.
5. Courage requires mental toughness rather than physical strength.

दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
मन के जो पक्के रहे ,करते सोच-विचार। 
उनके साहस का रहे, मानवता आधार।।

CYP: Create Your Path.

The best way to have good-luckis to create your own destiny. Most 
of you will question that how one can create his own destiny. You may reject the idea as being rubbish. Destiny is nothing but day-to-day things one does on a daily basis, reaction of those actions emerges as a destiny in future. You plant a mango tree today and 
take care ofit by giving water and fertiliser; in future you are bound 
to get mangoes. 

Our problem is we fail to take decision even for small matters such as what to cook tonight or what to wear in the party. We give command of our life in the hands of others. Allowing some one to rule your life for sake of love is different but receiving commands for important matters, will lead you to become what others want to make you, not what you want to become. If you wish to fulfil your dreams, create your own path. 

5 Tips to create your path. 

1. Be incharge of your actions.
2. Set the vision, decide the strategy and act accordingly.
3. Differentiate between good karma and bad karma. Focus on good karma only.
4. Be clear about your role and do your duty.
5. Only action is in your hand, not the consequences. Keep patience. Result of good karma will certainly be good.

दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
नज़र निशाने पे रहे, लगे लक्ष्य पे बाण।
अपने सपनों के लिये, करे सुपथ निर्माण।।

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

CYB: Count Your Blessings

Everything seems valuable, either before getting it or after losing it. 
We do not value the things which we possess and do not care for people who are in our lives. We behave in a childish manner. Most of the time we spend our entire life in getting things, which we desire and dream badly, and in that process we ignore things, which we own. The pleasure, which we can avail now, is traded for future expectations. As soon as, one desire is fulfilled, another crops up. In that process, we spend our entire life in the state of unhappiness. 

Furthermore, we do not care for living ones, who are blessing in our life and we regret when we lose them. The secret of happiness is to count your blessings. There are millions who have dreams to live the kind of life you are blessed with. The biggest blessing is life itself. I feel fortunate that I am born as a human being. The most wonderful machine of universe is in our possession. Do not ignore it. Do not waste this life. Utilize full potential of it. 

5 Tips to count your blessings. 

1 . Make list of all good things in your life.
2.  Appreciate, love and care about what you have.
3. Love people and use things rather than using people and loving things.
4.  Everyday say “Thank You God” for whatever you have.
5.  Do not regret in case you lose something. Probably, the role of that thing or person is over in your life.

ख़ुशियों के देता हमें,
गुलदस्ते भगवान।
गिनती करके देखिये,
कितने है वरदान।।
दोहा अविनाश बागड़े

Conquer Your Mind

CYM: Conquer Your Mind

Conquering mind is easy to say but 
it's the most difficult thing to achieve. People like Buddha and Mahavir could do that. It is not easy to define what is mind but with an analogy it is easy to understand that mind is like bridles of 5 horses in a chariot. 5 senses can be termed as 5 horses. Our intellect is like a driver of  the chariot. 

Our mind gets inputs from all senses and store them for immediate or future use. Our actions are the result of feelings and experiences we have collected in our past. Whether we are doing good or bad or not doing any thing, all is in command of our mind. Our intellect gives decision for doing or not doing things based on the arguments put forth by our mind and our conscious. When the senses are not in control, they will force mind to get permission of intellect and do whatever they want to do. What we are and what we will become is the outcome of our mind's quality. Mind has ability to design our destiny whether good or bad.

5 Tips to conquer mind. 

1. Always be alert about your thoughts.
2. Bury negative thoughts.
3. Nurture positive thoughts.
4. Initiate actions with positive thoughts only. Avoid any action while you are having negative thoughts.
5. Develop strong will power to destroy negativity.

जिसने वश में कर लिया,
अपने मन का मोर। 
उसके हाथो में रहे,
जीवन की ये डोर।।
दोहा अविनाश बागड़े

Monday, November 24, 2014

Corruption corrupt peace

CCP: Corruption Corrupts Peace. 

India ranks 94th on the global corruption perception index. Practically speaking, every Indian is corrupt if you consider giving bribe as a part of corruption. Corruption ranges from as simple as getting a seat unethically in train to illegally holding a dead body by 
police for cremation. Most of the employees either in government or 
in private sector take bribe for performing their job. Similarly, most 
of the entrepreneurs give bribe for getting things done in their favour. 

Tax evasion is also a type of corruption as most of the taxpayers in some or the other way try to evade tax resulting in distorted development of our country.
At an individual level, corruption can give progress over a short period of time. However, it won't be able to provide peace even for a brief period. In India,it's the major cause of high stress level, diabetes, hypertension and blood pressure. The sad part of corruption is that nowadays, it is so prevalent, that our conscious is getting immune to 
its spread. It has become a way of life but somewhere deep inside our subconscious level it is corrupting our day-to-day peace. 

5 Tips to reduce/ stop corruption. 

1.  Elect honest leader as a country head.
2. Follow rules to avoid giving bribe. 
3. Stressing on the importance of moral education at primary level.
4. Bringing transparency in governance by e-governance.
5. Simplifying tax structure.

नोच रहा मन का अमन,
बढ़ता भ्रष्टाचार ।
कारण बढ़े तनाव के,
करिये ज़रा विचार।।

Sunday, November 23, 2014

RPA: Responsibility Precedes Authority

Most of us are craving to get authority and power as much as possible and as early as possible however we forget that responsibility precedes authority. We want to enjoy the fruits of power but hesitate to take the pain of responsibility. The word responsibility is combination of response plus ability. Ability to respond with decisions and actions. When the people in the position of authority fail to respond to a situation and develop a habit of procrastination, organisation starts sliding down and environment of chaos can be seen around that person. If a person of authority is quick in taking decisions and actions, one can find an efficient and effective organisation around him. 

On the other side if a person is given with responsibility but not entrusted with enough authority, he will not be able deliver the results. Authority and responsibility shall go hand in hand and shall commensurate with each other. If you want authority, start taking responsibility and you will see that eventually authority is following you. 

5 Tips to handle authority and responsibility:
1. First take responsibility, authority will follow. 
2. Many times a formal authority may be entrusted, start using authority in the interest of organisation.  
3. Do not procrastinate decisions and actions, you may lose the authority soon. 
4. If the authority is clearly defined, do not exceed without taking all concern in confidence. 
5. If you are in a position to pass on responsibility, delegate sufficient authority otherwise chances are you will not get desire results. 

पहले ख़ुद को सिद्ध कर,
बन कर ज़िम्मेदार।
बिन माँगे तुझको मिले,
मनचाहे अधिकार।।

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Control your frustration

CYF: Control Your Frustration. 

Though this tip is useful for all but I wrote keeping in mind NRIs returning back to India for a permanent settlement. You will see people breaking traffic rules, throwing waste from car windows, spitting on road, urinating on roadside, not reaching on appointed time. There are hundreds of similar examples and you will feel frustrated by looking at such things. Frustration is going to spoil your mood and your day. Accept the reality that your frustration is not going to change the behavior of people surrounding you. If you think, you can change them; then your entire life will be short even to inculcate one good habit in all citizens. 

The best strategy is not to change the good habits you have developed. Try to train your near and dear ones about adopting good habits. Never lose control on your mood and feel frustrated. Slowly expand your circle of influence. Hundreds of time you will 
feel that your efforts are useless and you may fall in trap of losing even your own good habits. Control your frustration by adopting below mentioned tips. 

5 Tips to Control Frustration. 

1. Make a list of your frustrations.
2. Change or accept the situation.
3. Focus on what is in your control.
4. Communicate directly with person whose behavior frustrates you.
5. Replace your frustration with positive thinking.

मनमाफिक जो ना दिखे,
होना नहीं निराश।
सदगुण ख़ुद के माँजना,
होये बिना हताश।।
दोहा अविनाश बागड़े

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Complacency Slides Down

CSD: Complacency Slides Down. 

I am the best. I know all. No one can beat me. I do not need anybody's help. When such types of thoughts exist in mind, it is a sign of complacency. Such people think that their glass is full of milk and there is no space for anyone else. They forget that even full glass of milk has a scope for one teaspoon of sugar, which can make milk sweeter. Basically, complacency kills creativity and new ideas stop emerging. 

Once you reach the top, it takes more efforts to remain there. For that, one needs to be humble. One should always be ready to make changes, learn new things, enhance 
knowledge and accept suggestions. Instead of that, if complacency sets in, one can be sure of sliding down.

To avoid trap of complacency, develop more flexibility, humbleness, politeness and openness. Keep on learning more skills, enhancing knowledge, and adding values in whatever role you are playing. 
5 Tips to avoid Complacency. 

1.  Be ready to be in a learning mode.
2.  Do not believe your press agents.
3.  Keep inviting feedback and criticism.
4.  Keep reviewing strategies.
5.  Be polite and humble, as you rise high.

सारा कुछ मैं  जानता ,
जिनका ये विश्वास !
फिसल गए वो साख से ,
बन कर खुद के दास।।
अविनाश बागड़े। 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

CBT: Character Builds Trustworthiness:

CBT: Character Builds Trustworthiness: 

If someone says 'I Trust You' then it's a bigger compliment than 'I Love You'. Gaining trust of anyone is harder than gaining love. When you trust someone you surrender yourself. You will be confident that he/she will always be available for you. Also, you will be sure that he/she will not take you for granted. 

Now, question is why we trust someone or why someone will trust us. The first and foremost quality needed to develop trust is by bringing honesty in our behavior. Our thoughts, words and actions must be aligned for someone to trust us. People are very smart in finding out contradictions in our thoughts and actions. It takes years to buildit but it takes few seconds for trust to shatter. 

Trust is considered as a base for building strong relationship. Whether it is a case of a family or work, trust is needed to have strong bonding. Apart from honesty, other character traits also play vital role in developing trust such as integrity, fairness, thoughtfulness, humbleness, kindness and sincerity. Even the trust worthy person can have some personality flaws but if people trust him/her, they would overlook those flaws. 

5 Tips to develop Trust. 

1. Develop honesty in your behavior.
2. Overcome character flaws.
3.  Trust people to gain trustin return.
4.  Be emotionally intelligent.
5. Align your thoughts, words and 

कर्मों, शब्द, विचार के
सदगुण अपने पास
अच्छा सदा चरित्र ही
गढ़ता है विश्वास
Doha by Avinash Bagde

CWS: Compete With Self

CWS : Compete With Self. 

Right from childhood we start learning how to compete with others. Parents start comparing siblings. In school, we compete with fellow students. Likewise, in office, we compete with other colleagues. It is just like a war, where one is always fighting to be on the top. In such conditions how can one learn to love ? It does not mean that we should not work for betterment of our performance. 

One should compete only with self and always try to improve. These things give more satisfaction and less stress. Comparison and competition are negative emotions and create war rooms. 

While comparing, if you become number one, you will lose the thrill of doing further progress or if your opponent is so strong, you may lose any enthusiasm to grow. In both situations, one can lead to stagnancy but when you are competing with self, you are always progressing and growing. 

5 Tips to compete with self. 

1.  Set your own targets.
2.  Do not envy others progress.
3. Never compare your children and juniors with others unless it's absolutely necessary.
4. Celebrate your own small successes to get motivated for future goals.
5.  Be genuine in appreciating others.
नहीं सफलता से किसी
जलना तुम श्रीमान
ख़ुद से करे मुक़ाबला 
अपनी क्षमता जान
Doha by Avinash Bagde

Monday, November 17, 2014

CYL: Challenge Your Limits

CYL: Challenge Your Limits. 

In Indian mythology, Lord Hanuman never knew that he has an ability to fly till Lord Rama made him realize. Like that, we all have immense hidden abilities and potential but most of the time we set our own psychological limits and do not challenge ourselves. 

We all know the vast difference between our knowledge as a child versus modern age children. Academic curriculum variation in today's time versus 50 years back is immense. Children have amazing ability to grasp; it is we who put limitations, fearing they may be over burdened. Research has proved that a normal person use only 2-3% of his brain while genius uses 7-10%. Imagine the extent of potential being wasted. People are same as far as physical appearance is concerned like every one has 2 eyes, 2 hands etc. but they are different in utilizing their potential. 

5 Tips to challenge your limits. 

1. Everyday devote around 15-30 minutes on quality thinking.
2. Accept the challenges with courage.
3. Always try to set stretched goals.
4. Determination and dedication is the key to success.
5. Accept the failures as lessons and bounce back with more zeal.
अपनी क्षमता का नहीं 
हमको कुछ आभास
हद अपनी है तोड़ना
ख़ुद पे रख विश्वास
Doha by Avinash Bagde

Sunday, November 16, 2014

COA: Change or Accept

COA: Change or Accept.

There are three categories of circumstances or situations. First category is where situation is under our control. The complete control of circumstances is in our hands as we have got full influence on that. Every one has got full control on his mind, body, heart and soul. Though very few control it because most of us have a tendency to give control of our mind and body in the hand of others.

Second category of situation or circumstances is when we can't control the situation, which is affecting us. This type of situation arises mostly in our family, work, society, city or in our country. We might be affected positively or negatively by that situation but actually we have little or no influence on that. For example, if your boss gives promotion to your colleague or competitor, you feel sad but practically can't change his/her decision except to keep performing as best as you can.

Third category of situation is when, neither the event is in your control nor it has direct or indirect effect on you. Such as, some one is elected as a prime minister in Argentina. In situations second & third, it is better to accept things.

5 Tips for Change or Accept.
1. Identify the situation and decide whether to accept or change.
2. Make continuous efforts to enlarge your circle ofinfluence.
3. Make continuous efforts for improving things under your control.
4. Make sure change is as painless as possible for you and others.
5. Use creativity and innovation for bringing change.

Friday, November 14, 2014

5 Tips to Bury The Worry

BTW: Bury The Worry. 

Worry is like building a high tower with blocks of negative emotions. Holding negative thoughts in mind makes people depressed. In reality, worry might be an imaginary situation which either does not exist or is actually better than thought of. Anxiety is not bad to a certain extent. In fact, it's a good tool to check over confidence or over enthusiasm. But, as soon as it crosses a line of control, it starts causing stress  and eventually leads to poor health. 

One can face worry due to 'n' number of reasons such as failure in exam, ill health, breakup in relationship, lack of timely completion of work and boss's anger. There is a saying that “If a problem can be solved then  there is no need to worry however, if it cannot be solved, then what's the use of worrying”. There is a great difference between worry and concern. To illustrate, worried person sees a problem, while concerned person solves the problem. Basically worry is an interest paid on trouble before its maturity. 

5 Tips to Manage Worries. 

1. Do not assume. Check the facts. 
2. Try to think of innovative  solution of a problem. 
3. Take help of experts. 
4. Think positive. 
5. Make plan 'B'.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

BTA: Believe To Achieve

BTA: Believe To Achieve. 

Whatever our mind can conceive, it can achieve. The limitation is in our thoughts. In accordance with the “Law of attraction”, whole universal forces will act together, if one has a faith in his/her desires and dreams. For that, we need to buildup confidence in our own abilities. Confidence comes naturally with success but success only bestows on those who are confident enough. Likewise, confidence doesn't come when you have solutions to problems. Rather, it comes when you are ready to face difficulties. Lack of confidence destroys our ability to act. 

Now, the question is how to develop faith, trust and belief. Either trust your abilities or take  the help of  God you believe in. Fundamentally, it is not God who will perform your job, it is actually your trust in God, which will compel you to work for your dreams. Only belief is not enough to achieve. It is just a basic step. Your beliefs have to be coupled with your actions. Moreover, God helps those, who help themselves. 

5 Tips to develop confidence. 
1.  Try to become an expertin yourfield. 
2.  Be positive and trust your abilities. 
3.  Develop presentation and communication skills. 
4.  Involve relevant and competent people. 
5.   Celebrate small victories.  

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

BWE: Begin With End

BWE: Begin With End

When we step-out of a house, our destination is in our mind. But most of us are living entire life without any purpose. It might not be easy to decide the ultimate goal however; it's also not difficult to decide short-term and medium-term goals. Goals may be materialistic, emotional, intellectual or spiritual but life without goal is like a bird without wings. For e.g. people without goal might achieve something but their achievement will always be lower than their potential. If a proper guidance is available, goals could be more defined and specific. 

Expert say that your goals must be SMART (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Relevant; Time Bound). If goals are not SMART then they are not goals, they are just wishes. Written goals have always better chances of getting fulfilled so always keep writing and modifying goals periodically. When the END is defined, chances are very high that you will reach the END otherwise wherever you reach, you consider that as the END. 

5 Tips to set Goals. 

1. Visualise your life and decide on short-term and long-term goals.
2. Let the goals be SMART. (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Relevant; Time Bound).
3. Write them down and make a strategy to achieve them.
4. Review your goals periodically and reset them as per relevance. 
5. Take help of a expert if required.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

ABG: Avoid Blame Game

ABG: Avoid Blame Game. 

The moment we fail, either in exam, in job, in venture, in relationship or any aspect of life, we start looking for a people or circumstances on which we can blame our failure. Blaming others is neither going to convert failure into success nor it is going to teach us a lesson for the future. It is quite possible that others might have contributed to the failure however, if we deeply 
analyze it, we will find that we ourselves are the major cause of the failure. 

There is a need to develop a habit of identifying fault in self; instead of others. Stephen Covey in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has described first habit as “Be Proactive”. Focus on the circle of influence. The circle of influence starts with us as the center of the circle. 

5 Tips to avoid blame game. 

1. Analyze the reasons for failure.
2. Answer the question: What you could have done to avoid failure ? 
3. Focus on reasons of the failure rather than person behind it. 
4.  Document the lessons learned for future use. 
5.   Even If any individual is the reason for failure, avoid blaming. 

दोषारोपण ना करे
जैसे ही हम, किसी परीक्षा में, किसी खेल में, किसी व्यापार में, किसी के साथ रिश्तों में या ज़िंदगी के किसी भी कार्य में असफल हो जाते हैं, हमारी कौशिश यह रहती है की उस असफलता का ताज किस के सर पर रखे। हम असफलता का ठिकरा किसी व्यक्ति या किन्हीं परिस्थितियों पे फोड़ने में जुट जाते हैं। किसी ओर पर दोषारोपण करने से ना तो हमारी हार जीत में बदलने वाली है ना ही भविष्य के लिये हमें कोइ सीख मिलने वाली। हो सकता है की हमारी हार में कुछ कारण परिस्थितियों या कुछ लोगों का हो लेकिन अगर गहराई में जाएँगे तो यही पायेंगे की कही ना कही हमारे में भी कमी रह गई। 

ज़रूरत हैं की हम हमारे में ही हार का कारण ढुंढने की कौशिश करे वनिस्पत किसी ओर पर इल्ज़ाम लगायें। स्टीफ़न कोवे की पुस्तक "७ हेबिट्स आफ हाइली इफेक्टीव पीपुल" के पहले अध्याय में यही बताया की सफल व्यक्ति अपनी क्षमताओं की परीधि के भीतर अपना ध्यान लगाते हैं। 
दोषारोपण खेल से बचने के ५ उपाय:
१. असफलता के कारण जानने की कौशिश करे। 
२. जानने की कौशिश करे की आप ऐसा क्या कर सकते थे ताकि असफलता ना होती। 
३. असफलता के पीछे कौन व्यक्ति का हाथ था यह महत्वपूर्ण नहीं हैं। 
४.  असफलता के कारणों को भविष्य के लिए लिखितबद्ध करले।
५. किसी व्यक्ति विशेष के कारण आपको असफलता मिली है तो भी उसको नज़रअंदाज़ करे, उस पर दोषारोपण ना करे। 

Monday, November 10, 2014

AWE: Avoid Wasteful Expenditure

5 tips to avoid wasteful expenditure 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

ASC: Avoid Short Cuts

ASC: Avoid Short Cuts.

Short cuts have their own shortcomings. If a fruit takes certain number of days to grow, let that take its own time. By adding certain chemicals and fertilizers process may be hastened by few days but it can't have same nutritional values and taste . In few 
circumstances short cuts may be beneficial but in most of the cases short cuts result into inferior quality of final product or services.

Nowadays, people are adopting all sorts of illegal and unethical practices for becoming wealthy. This approach might be beneficial in short term but one should also be ready to face adverse consequences of it sooner or later in life.

At the same time, it does not mean that we cannot cut down unnecessary time taking processes. Efficiency is important but it should not be at the 
cost of quality and intrinsic values. There is nothing wrong in taking shortest path but it should achieve same quality and output.

5 Tips for Short Cuts. 
1. Do not compromise or interfere with natural processes.
2. Do not compromise on quality.
3. Do not compromise on ethical and moral values.
4. Use short cuts to improve efficiency without compromising quality.
5. Have patience.

How to make sure that people remember your name?

How to make sure that people remember your name?
Until and unless you are a celebrity, chances are very slim that a person will remember your name after meeting you for the first time. Research says that it requires around 5-7 meeting before your name gets registered with a person.

The main reason for not remembering the name is that people are not able to create an image with your name. They are not able to link your name and your face. People will remember your face and other details about you but they tend to forget the name. It is worse for people like me who have a short memory. Quite often I confess to people and ask them to excuse me for my short memory and growing age. 

 Though it is the other person’s responsibility to remember your name but it is equally our duty as well to make sure that the other person does not forget your name. 

 5 Tips to make sure that other people remember your name

1. While introducing repeat your name twice e.g. “I am Hemant, Hemant Lodha.” 

2. During the talk try to insert your name in the conversation e.g. "My father use to tell Hemant.... “

3. While introducing link your name with famous personalities, places etc. e.g.– Hemant, Hemant Kumar the famous singer. 

4. If your name has a meaning then try to explain it while introducing yourself. Like Hemant is also the name of a season in Hindi language. 

5. After the first meeting send a “Thank you” message for the meeting. You may connect on social media and send birthday wishes, seasons greetings etc.

Friday, November 7, 2014

ANA: Avoid Negative Assumptions

ANA: Avoid Negative Assumptions. 

There is a saying that to ASSUME 
means to make an ASS out of U and ME. God has given us mind and intellect to use it wisely, logically and creatively but we waste the same in assuming insensible things. When our ego is slightly hurt we start building all negative feelings about that person by assuming things for which the other person has no clue. Those negative feelings keep on piling up and suddenly blast at a wrong time, in a wrong place and in wrong context. 

The solution is, if you get hurt by your friend, relative, family or colleague, straightway go to him and express what you are feeling. In 99% cases, chances are that all misunderstandings will vanish while discussing and you will have a better bonding for future. If you keep on assuming, your relationship will be eaten away, like termite eating wood silently. 

5 Tips to avoid negative assumptions. 

1. Stay alert about what you are thinking. 
2. Clarify assumptions at earliest. 
3. Tolerate small things. 
4. Try to understandfrom other person's point of view. 
5. Whenever possible clarifyin writing. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

ADA: Attitude Decides Altitude.

ADA: Attitude Decides Altitude. 

A person with positive attitude creates an atmosphere of optimism and happiness around him. All forces start working to help achieve the target of a person having right attitude. Generally, people tend to avoid persons having negative attitude due the fact that negative attitude creates an atmosphere of depression and pessimism around him/her. Such persons are always under stress because of the feeling that nobody is there to help them. 

Positive attitude is the result of positive thinking. One can't have positive attitude with negative thoughts. When thoughts and attitude are not aligned,  the person loses trust. As a human being, negative thoughts are bound to come, but aware of them always and get rid of them as early as possible. 

We deal with several people in our day to day working and it is important that we know about their attitude. Generally, if a person is having genuine smile on his/her face, chances are bright that person is carrying a positive attitude. 

5 Tips to maintain Positive Attitude. 

1. Never lose hope and be an optimist. 
2. Allow only positive thoughts to stay in your mind. 
3. Keep appreciating people around you. 
4. Discuss but do not argue. 
5. Wear an enduring smile

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

5 Tips to get whatever you want.

AFI: Ask For It. 

How to get whatever you want? The first and most effective method is to “ASK FOR IT”. As a child, the very first thing we learn is “To Ask” but as we grow up, we feel shy in asking. Likewise, in personal and professional life, everyday we want to achieve something, which is not possible without taking help of others. If we feel inferior and shy, then it might hamper our growth. 

In life we pass through three different stages i.e. Dependent, Independent and Interdependent. As a child or in the initial stage of anything, we are dependent and normally do not hesitate to ask but as we grow in our role we feel independent and that's the point where our ego starts building up. Principally, it's our ego which stops us from asking others. 

5 Tips How to Ask without shying. 
1. Always be ready to help others. Actually, helping others takes away guilt feeling and eases us in asking for help whenever required. 
2. Ask without hesitation. Normally people feel strong and elevated when someone asks them for help. 
3.  Ask only when you genuinely need help. 
4. Asking for financial help shall be avoided unless you are having trust on that person. 
5.  Ask for help from those who are capable of helping. 

ABH: Appreciation Brings Happiness.

ABH: Appreciation Brings Happiness. 

We Indians are extremely stringent 
in appreciating others as well as self. 
Though there are many who are 
expert in faking appreciation, which 
is called as CHAMCHAGIRI in Indian slang. Normally, we are good 
in appreciating and encouraging children but refrain our self when 
it comes to appreciating our better half or a colleague. Praise can change anyone's attitude and raise anyone's altitude. 

The power of appreciation in boosting confidence is tremendous. Appreciation encourages you to perform better in order to live up to the expectation of the one who praises. Many times the praise or appreciative words may be an exaggeration, nevertheless those 
words set a minimum bench mark for performance and one ends up with a better than expected performance. Genuine appreciation  boost the moral and create happiness between the parties. 

5 Tips for Genuine Appreciation. 
1.  Praise publicly, criticise privately.
2.  Never miss an opportunity to praise. 
3.  Be truthful and genuine in praising.
4.  If possible give some thing in reward along with the words.
5.  Try to publicize good work in a relevant group

Monday, November 3, 2014

ABW: Anger Burns Wisdom

ABW: Anger Burns Wisdom. 

Anger is one letter short of Danger. When flame of anger ignites, the very first thing it does is to destroy our wisdom. Whatever begins in anger; ends up in shame. When anger opens its gate, wisdom closes all its outlets. In anger intellect stops working and control goes in the hands of emotions. 
When we regain our cool, we regret our actions. However, by that time anger is done with its job of destruction. Subsequently, keeping control on anger is the highest level of wisdom.

The main reason of anger is our EGO also known as AHANKAR. When other person is unsuccessful in fulfilling our expectations, our ego starts building negative thoughts towards that person. We do not see the reason behind it especially from other's point of view. Rather we keep on expecting from our viewpoint. The irony is that our anger 
is quicker and aggressive for our dear ones. Anger and stress live together in our mind and is the main cause of our bad health. 

5 Tips to control Anger. 
1. Develop a habit of detecting early signs of  anger.
2. As soon as you realize that your anger is increasing, stop all communications.
3. Revisit the situation from other person's point of view, analyze 
 and find out actual cause of unpleasant situation.
4. Forgetting and forgiving are the main mantras for controlling and diminishing anger and maintaining peace in life.
5. Try to be moderate with your expectations from others.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

AIM: Allow Intelligent Mistakes

Allowing mistakes is the first step for 
encouraging invention, innovation and 
initiatives. As a parent, as an elder, as a boss and as a leader of a society, we tend to analyze and criticize actions of juniors. We develop an attitude of I AM OK, YOU ARE NOT OK. In this process either we create rebellions or dumbs. 

Allowing mistake does not mean that you allow dumb and repeated mistakes. There is a saying “if you never commit mistakes then you are in the category of God otherwise you are a human being”. 
Nonetheless, if you repeat mistakes then you fall in the category of fools. Apart from your juniors, allow yourself to make mistakes as well. Do not feel bad on realizing your own mistakes; do not blame othersfor the same. 

When failures and mistakes are analyzed chances of repeating the same will drop drastically. Usually, mistakes occur due to ignorance, lack of knowledge and poor systems. When we do critical analysis, 
then we canfindinnovative ways of not repeating them again. 

5 Tips to handle mistakes.

1. Find the intentions behind mistake and deal accordingly. 
2. Learn lessons from mistakes. 
3. Avoid blame game. 
4. Encourage creativity, innovation and initiatives. 
5. Document it for future reference.