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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Emotions Ignite Destiny

Previously I wrote 2 blogs "Dreams Drive Destiny" and "Actions Decided Destiny". Now, I am writing on "Emotions Ignites Destiny". You may get confused, whether it is emotions, or dreams or actions which decides destiny. Destiny is a destination and to reach destination we take up journey. Emotions, dreams, thoughts, actions are various processes which are required while having a journey. Most of you might have read that thoughts leads to actions, actions converts into habits, habits make character and character decides destiny. However, journey does not start from our thoughts; rather it starts from our emotions. 


As soon as, our senses receive something from our surrounding environment, emotions are generated and are processed by ANTAHKARAN. has 4 inner organs as per Hindu mythology:-


1. Ahamkāra (ego) – identifies Atman (self) within our body as 'I'
2. Buddhi (intellect) – controls decision making
3. Manas (mind) – controls sankalpa (will or resolution)
4. Chitta (memory) – deals with remembering and forgetting 


Thoughts are generated and firmed up by processing emotions in ANTAHKARAN. So emotions are basic raw material for creating destiny. For example, you see Sachin Tendulkar playing marvelous cricket and you get mesmerized. So in this case, your emotions are basically generating thoughts that you should become like Sachin. You form dreams and to materialize those dreams, you take actions and your journey started towards your goal.


Emotions are just starting point. One wrong step and your destination changes hence management of emotions is extremely important. If you analyze all successful people, you will find that they have analyzed and managed their emotions in their area of success very effectively. In a day we develop thousands of emotions pertaining to various aspects of our life but we get result in the area where we take forward our emotions to thoughts, actions and so on. 


5 tips to manage emotions:-


1. Be conscious about your emotions. Watch them carefully. 

2. Use your mind and intellect carefully to process your emotions. 

3. Emotions may be negative or positive. Both types of emotions need proper analysis and thought process before taking any action. 

4. Imagining the consequence of action is pre-requisite for having proper fate of emotions. 

5. Do not allow emotions to control you, control your emotions by utilizing 4 organs of ANTAHKARAN. 

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