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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

6WH for Decision-making


Decision-making is part of our day to day life. Quality of life depends on quality of our decisions. It will not be wrong to say that our decisions drive our destiny. It’strange that we do not get formal education about how to take effective decisions. Though quality of our decision depends on quality of our thoughts, knowledge and wisdom; however, if we follow 6WH method, we can improve quality of our decisions. 


6WH is nothing but 7 types of questions. What, Why, Where, When, Whom, Who and How. The most important questions we need to answer before taking any decision is - What we want to do? And Why we want to do? All 7 type of questions are not important in all circumstances. However, one should try to write down all possible questions and probable answers before taking final decision. When we write, our thoughts become clearer and quality of decision becomes better. 


Since every situation is unique from the perspective of time, person and circumstances. It is better not to apply previous decisions in current situation without rethinking with zero base. Quality of thoughts, words and actions differentiate 2 persons and proper answering of 6WH will determine quality of thoughts, words and actions. 

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