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Saturday, May 23, 2015

9 Points of HL SCALE about Human Relationship

You must be wondering what this HL stands for. It's not Hemant Lodha. LoL. H stands for HATE and L stands for LOVE. This is same as Hedonic scale.

Our relationships can be broadly divided in 2 categories. One, we obtain during/after our birth in a particular family and another, we create as we grow. Relationship can be with friends, relatives (at home) or peers/colleagues (at work). At any stage of life, relationships can be placed at various points on HL scale. 9 points of hedonic scale are as follows: 

 1. Hate

2. High Disliking

3. Average Disliking 

4. Low Disliking

5. Neutral

6. Low Liking

7. Average Liking 

8. High Liking

9. Love

The secret of peace and happiness is to keep our relationships on the scale more towards L-Love rather than towards H-Hate. It is easier said than done but once we know at what point particular relationship stands than one can make conscious efforts to move towards L. Our ego, anger, jealousy, irritation etc. are major cause of holding or pushing the relationship more towards H but sacrifice, let go, maturity, caring, helping kind of attitude can push relationship more towards L. Every relationship needs to be tackled consciously. 

5 steps to know how to move towards Love on HL scale:

1.  First check where your relationship stands on scale from Hate to Love. 

2.  Depending on the importance of relationship set the target where you want to take your relationship on that scale. 

3. Consciously analyze what are the factors from your side and other persons side is holding your relationship to move forward.

4. If possible talk to the other person candidly that you are genuinely interested in strengthening relationship with him/her. 

5.  Even if that person is not responding positively, you keep making efforts which are in your control. 

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