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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Nurture Angel Within

During earth formation, neither angel nor demon existed. At ancient times, humans were like all other animals. Their main purpose of existence was survival and reproduction. Nevertheless, human was one of the most intelligent animals, having mind, consciousness, intellect and ego of better quality. Beginning of inclination towards ownership became the root cause of all problems. Probably, that is the point when angels and demons birth took place. 

Anyways, it is difficult to establish how we evolved but as on today every one of us carries an angel and demon within us. We use them as a tool to fulfill our desires in self interest. If I ask entire human race, no one will agree that he/she has demon within. He/shewill prove with all his/her logics that he/she is a good person Alas, if this would have been the case; then there would have been no crime, no pain, no hate, no jealousy and no greed. The major problem of today's life is that everyone wears a mask of an angel over his/herintentions of demon. 

I usually tell my friends that most of us worship God due to two main reasons. Either we have a desire to get something or vice a versa. The intensity of desire/ fear decides what is going to be picked up within us, weather an angel or a demonWhen angel is selected, we spread happiness and pleasure around us but when we prefer demon, we always spread pain and problems around us. 

If we analyze human acts, we can put them in following six categories:-

1. When a person acts with cruelty where his/herintentions is to completely destroy others. In this case, person is in complete control of demon. 

2.  When a person acts to fulfill his/her desires and gets pleasure even at the cost of pains for others. Still the person is in control of devil. 

3. When a person is concerned about his/her own benefit and is not bothered whether others will get pain or pleasure, he is standing at the boundary where sometimes he acts like a devil and sometimes like an angel. 

4. When a person never harms others for getting his/her own benefits, he/she is acting like an angel. 

5. When a person just acts and is not bothered by pain or pleasure, he/she reaches stage known as enlightenment. 

6. The worst situation is when a person acts with ill intentions wearing mask of an angel. Nowadays, population of such persons is increasing day by day. 

To achieve permanent bliss, destroy your demon, adopt angel and try to move towards enlightenment where neither you need demon nor an angel. 

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