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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

EDR: Ego Destroys Relationship

EDR: Ego Destroys Relationship

I know many people who do not talk 
to their near and dear ones in family 
because they got hurt in past for silly 
reasons and now they are waiting for 
the other party to apologise and take 
first step. They keep presuming all 
negative things about each other and 
build an imaginary wall of hatred. 

This often happens in professional relationship also. Ego totally destroys teamwork and performance of both the groups and affects negatively to those who are involved in it. 

Though it is true that if any one takes initiative to solve the dead lock by initiating communication that is considered his/her weak point. Still initiating communication is the best way to save the relationship. Egoist people radiate negative energy and their aura 

5 Tips to deal with ego. 

1. Differentiate between ego and self-respect. 
2. When it is a matter of close relationship, drop the ego and initiate communication. 
3. Be more humble as you rise higher. 
4. Let the organisational goals take priority over ego. 
5. When you walk on the path of spirituality, ego reduces. 

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