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Monday, December 1, 2014

DAS: Differences Are Strengths

Generally, we make rigorous efforts to make our children and subordinates as our photo copies by constantly saying them things, which are right from our prospective. In this process, we forget and ignore that every person is different and he/she needs to build his/her own strengths. Having different skills, knowledge, attitude, and thinking should not be viewed as weakness rather it should be explored and utilized as strengths. People are not useless; infact they are not utilized to their fullest potential. Trying to fit a round person in a square peg will be stressful and useless.

Good leaders are those who can find different qualities in a person and give him/her role, which suits his/her personality. In a team if every person is doing a role, which he/she is passionate about, then the team will perform at the level, which no one can match. 

5 Tips to appreciate differences. 

1. Encourage opposite views that will help you to understand problem in a holistic way. 
2. Find out strengths and weaknesses of self, including other members of the team.
3.Capitalise on complementary qualities of each team member.
4. Respect different qualities of people.
5. Do not compare or compete self with others.
दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
अलग अलग गुण धर्म के, होते सब इंसान।
विभिन्नता से ही बने, ये दुनिया बलवान।।

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