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Saturday, September 27, 2014

NIP: Nothing Is Permanent

NIP: Nothing Is Permanent. 

Probably, except the spirit, the soul, nothing is permanent. Every thing,
every second changes its shape, size, color, contents etc. every thing
goes through the cycle of birth, life and death. Still the human nature is
most afraid of changes. We seek permanent things in our temporary
life. Do not laugh on people who are going through tough phase of life. You never know when the situation would be reversed.

We like it or not, life is going to go through the cycle of pain and
pleasure, day and night, bad and good, life and death, old and new.
Once the great king Akbar asked Birbal his all ministers, tell me in one
sentence that which is true in all times. As usual finally Birbal replied,
"This too shall pass". When you are going through pleasure or pain if you remember this sentence, you will be able to develop the mind of equanimity.
5 Tips to develop attitude of Equanimity:
1. Pain and pleasure are part of cycle.
2. There is difference in speed but cycle is moving.
3. Every moment, every thing is changing.
4. We have power to make favourable changes in our life.
5. Certain universal forces are beyond our control and those have
positive or negative affect on our life.

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