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Sunday, September 14, 2014

LIE: Life Is Echo.

Life Is Echo. 

Life is like an echo. Whatever energies you send out, they come back.
What you give away, you get. What you sow you reap. If you give
pleasure to people, you will get happiness in life. If you give pain to
people, you will get suffering in life. Every action has got reaction.
I recall a small story. One day a small boy was making a pot of clay. His
father asked: for whom are you making it my son. He said for you dad.
When you get old, I will give you food in that. My grand father is also
using similar pot. His father got shocked and ashamed for treating his
parents badly. Life is boomerang. What you throw comes back to you.
Our children will learn more from our deeds than our words.
5 Tips about Life is an Echo:
1.Whenever you speak, make sure that you have capability to chew
back the words if required.
2. Children are observing. Be careful about your actions in front of
3. Give back to society.
4. Be clear about your role and do your duty.
5. Spread happiness and try to create positive difference in life of

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