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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

PFE: Place For Everything.

PFE: Place For Everything. 

Place for everything and everything in place. This is one of the very
effective principles of management. However this is applicable and
useful at homes also.
Most of the domestic fights are for silly reasons about things that
cannot be found when needed. You may have to waste lot of time in
searching your favourite apparel, shoe, screw driver, pen, toothpaste,
comb etc. the simple reason for that, place is not fixed for each and
every item and even if the place is fixed, some of the member is not
having a habit of keeping back at the same place after using it.

In the work place also there is a lot of importance of this rule.
Particularly in industry, process line, operation theatres etc. if things
are not in place it can create havoc. Create a place for everything in
such a way that it is convenient to find, easy to remember, logical
marking or numbering or naming is done, so that even if new employee
joins, it shall be easy to operate for him.

5 Tips for proper management of things:
1. Fix most logical place for every thing.
2. Inform and train to all concern about location.
3. All those who are concerned need to develop religious habit to keep things in right place.
4. Lids, caps, cover, door etc. should be properly closed after use.
5. Few people are hard to be trained and need continuous reminder.

Monday, September 29, 2014

OPT: Optimize Process Time.

OPT: Optimize Process Time. 

Time and cost are 2 major inputs require for manufacturing of any product and delivery of any service. Most of the entrepreneurs are cautious of direct cost however time consumed in process gets neglected. Optimizing process time can optimize quality, cost and service. 

World-class organisation sets the time targets for each and every activity. Optimisation of time increases efficiency which results into more output in given resources thus reduction in per unit price. Competitiveness in market gets increases by reducing per unit cost. 

Reduction in time increases customer satisfaction also. He gets faster service and waiting time reduces. If the price and quality is equal a customer would like to buy a product or take service from a company, which delivers quickly. 

5 Tips to optimize process time
1. Eliminate wastage
2. Do not compromise on quality. 
3. Optimise through time and motion study. 
4. Set the time targets for each activity and each employee. 
5. Keep reviewing processes continuously.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

NKR: Never Keep Regrets.

NKR: Never Keep Regrets

My father did not leave enough wealth for me. I could not complete my professional course. I did not get desired job. My business did not flourish the way I wished. My child did not get in merit list in SSC exam. I could not marry the girl I loved. Like that there are thousands of regrets in life. We have 2 choices: Either to live with regrets or leave the regret and carry on. Either crib for what you could not get or love what you got. Either plan for bright future or cry for painful past. Choice is ours. But this choice decides whether we make our life beautiful or painful. 

No man is born, who did not have some or other regret in life. Difference between winner and loser is that winner does not allow the seed of regret to grow whereas loser kept on nurturing the plant of regret. When we nurture the regret it spreads like weeds. One regret will generate hundreds of other regrets and your life will be full of regrets. 

5 Tips to bury the regrets. 
1. Regret is due to past events beyond your control. You cannot reverse the time so best is to accept it as destiny. 
2. Learn lesson from what has happened so that it can be avoided in future. 
3. Do not blame any one for what has already happened. 
4. Plan your future. 
5. Show must go on.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

NIP: Nothing Is Permanent

NIP: Nothing Is Permanent. 

Probably, except the spirit, the soul, nothing is permanent. Every thing,
every second changes its shape, size, color, contents etc. every thing
goes through the cycle of birth, life and death. Still the human nature is
most afraid of changes. We seek permanent things in our temporary
life. Do not laugh on people who are going through tough phase of life. You never know when the situation would be reversed.

We like it or not, life is going to go through the cycle of pain and
pleasure, day and night, bad and good, life and death, old and new.
Once the great king Akbar asked Birbal his all ministers, tell me in one
sentence that which is true in all times. As usual finally Birbal replied,
"This too shall pass". When you are going through pleasure or pain if you remember this sentence, you will be able to develop the mind of equanimity.
5 Tips to develop attitude of Equanimity:
1. Pain and pleasure are part of cycle.
2. There is difference in speed but cycle is moving.
3. Every moment, every thing is changing.
4. We have power to make favourable changes in our life.
5. Certain universal forces are beyond our control and those have
positive or negative affect on our life.

Friday, September 26, 2014

NIG: Nature is God.

NIG: Nature is God. 

PRAKRUTI, the ‘Nature’; is the mother of all living beings. Who has created this universe, has been mystery since ages and probably never in future it is going to be answered but it is sure and visible that our existence is because of nature. Whatever we are doing, any science, any art, any maths, any exploration it is just an extension of nature. It is knowing and exploring more what already exists in nature. 

As far as the record of civilisation we have say around 5000 years, the kind of damage we have done to the nature in last 100 years is much greater than previous 4900 years. Irony is that, the damage is increasing with greater speed day by day. The rapid climate change is evidence of the same. 

Instead of worshiping in temple, mosque and churches, if we start worshiping nature, protecting it caring it, it would be greater gift to our coming generation. 

5 Tips to worship Nature:
1. Plant and protect more trees. 
2. Reduce material life so that load on water and energy reduces.
 3. Minimize waste and scientific disposal of waste. 
4. Develop and use renewable energy resources. 
5. Install more advanced pollution control equipment in industries, commercial and residential establishments.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

NBS: Never Be Sarcastic.

NBS: Never Be Sarcastic. 

Sarcasm is a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark. Many people have a habit of being sarcastic in dealing with people. As long as it is used as humor, it may be appreciated but when it is used towards family, friend and acquaintance then it is not a good habit.

Cartoonist, poets and media use sarcasm mainly towards politicians or celebrities very widely but mostly it is giving the message in humor. People enjoy it and though it may be embarrassing for a person towards whom it is intended but best way to deal with is to ignore
it. However in one to one conversations, group discussion and meeting
it should be totally avoided. It creates humiliation and bitterness.
Person, to whom it is targeted, may ignore but it is never forgotten and
carries a negative impression for long time. If sarcasm is done by
seniors, it will put off the juniors and their moral and motivation will go

5 Tips to avoid and deal sarcastic attitude:
1. Be straightforward.
2. If using as a humor, make sure it is not targeted to demean other
3. Best way to deal sarcastic remark is to ignore it.
4. If a person is continuously sarcastic, firmly resist it.
5. Avoid the company of habitual sarcastic people.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

MYT: Manage Your Time.

MYT: Manage Your Time. 

Every one knows and understands that it is important to manage time, efficiently and effectively. But very few know, how to. Let me share few tips on that. 

1. To get qualitative 23 hours in a day, invest 1 hour on your health preferably in the morning. 
2. Start your workday by spending 15 minutes on making and updating To-Do-List. 
3. Before closing your day review what you have done during whole day, compare with your morning plan, check next day appointments and tentatively plan your tomorrow. 
4. Prioritize important things. All meetings, seminars, social events are not important. 
5. While reading messages, mails, take immediate action of deleting, archiving or replying so that no need to revisit the same. 
6. Resist and avoid time wasting activities such as watching TV, chit chatting with colleagues etc. 
7. Instead of going to meet someone, if possible keep meeting in your office to save the time of commutation. 
8. Keep doing not so urgent but important things in spare time so that there will be fewer emergencies in life. It is like preventive maintenance. 
9. Delegate. Never do, what can be done by your subordinates. They will do better. 
10. Place for every thing and every thing in place. That saves lot of time otherwise wasted in searching things when we need it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

MTE: Manage The Expectations.

MTE: Manage The Expectations. 

Desire is the mother of all expectations. As a human being it is natural
to have expectations from family, friends and colleagues. It is also
obvious that other people will have expectations from us. Elimination of
expectation is more difficult; hence one needs to learn how to manage expectations. At work place, growth is not possible in absence of
expectations. Here relationship is more based on give and take. If you are boss, expect as much as possible keeping in consideration the abilities of subordinates. If there is a gap in your expectation and achievement then either raise the skill level or reduce your expectations.

At personal level, the relationship is more based on giving and
sacrifices. Expecting for the benefit of other party is understandable but
expecting for self-benefit will generate pain in case other person fails to
fulfill your expectations. The best way is to expect as least as possible.
That will help you in maintaining peace and happiness.

5 Tips for better management of expectations.
1. Manage personal and professional expectations differently.
2. Reduce the gap between expectations and reality based on
3. Sacrifice expectations to save relationship.
4. Do your duty. Expectation level is low with people who are busy doing their duty. 
5. Allow expectation to grow only if they are giving happiness. If
expectations are generating pain, drop them immediately.

Monday, September 22, 2014

MPD: Minimize Perception Differences.

MPD: Minimize Perception Differences. 

I am a strong believer that 99% of the problems in relationship are due to perception differences. I recall an anecdote of few blinds and elephant who find elephant in jungle for the first time. They describe
elephant in their own way as they touch the body parts of elephant.

Every person is wearing different glasses as per his past karma, upbringing, education and experiences. One sees the situation and
make opinion about people from his point of view which may be
slightly different or totally opposite from what other thinks. This creates
major cause of differences. I have come across cases where you think that you are helping a person and other person thinks you are hurting him.

Perception differences are bound to be there. What is important is to
minimize them so that relationship between two people gets strengthened. Some time there may be a need of role to create different perception in mind of different people about your personality
and style of working.

5 Tips on Minimizing Perception Differences.
1. Be transparent and clear in communication.
2. Do not assume.
3. Walk in the shoes of other person and see it from his perspective.
4. It is not necessary, may not require and may not be possible to
eliminate all perception differences.
5. What other thinks is not in your control but what you give them to
think is in your control.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

LWE: Listen With Empathy

LWE: Listen With Empathy. 

Research reveals that one can express himself 30-35% only by words,
rest is through body language. Our school teaches us how to read and write, but very rarely any school teaches how to listen and how to think.
Listening is a skill and can be learned by proper training and conscious

Listening has various stages from not listening to empathetic listening.
In a group you can easily trace the person who is busy on his mobile
and not listening to the speaker. Next stage is where person is facing
towards the speaker but thinking some thing else. Actually it involves
not listening at all. Another stage is where person looks attentive but he
is preparing what he is going to speak when his chance comes. In next
stage person is attentively listening but still not observing body language of speaker. In empathic listening, you are listening with all your senses, with full attention, observing all his body moments,
stepping in the shoes of speaker. At this stage you may even listen to
what other person is thinking.

5 Tips for empathetic listening:
1. Walk in the shoes of speaker and listen.
2. Speak when absolutely necessary.
3. Do not allow your mind to wander.
4. One needs continuous conscious efforts to be attentive.
5. In case you have missed, ask without hesitation.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

LTL: Leave The Legacy.

LTL: Leave The Legacy. 

Legacy comes from beginning something, which does not end with you. Every man wants to leave behind some thing, which remains even after
his death. People like Mahavira, Buddha, Kabir, Einstein, Gandhi,  Mother Teresa etc. are few examples who did great work in their life and will be remembered for centuries to come. Mostly it so happen that we get busy in our day to day life, making our both the ends meet, accumulating wealth, running after material life, we do not do enough which is worthwhile to remembered even after
3rd day of our death. Our family remains in grief for little longer.

Though one can have thousands of ideas to implement for leaving
legacy, however I am narrating 5 most common things one can do.

5 Tips on leaving legacy:
1. Raise, educate and train our children to become fine human beings.
2. Create a monument/ establishment to be used for the benefit of common people.
3. Write a book. 
4. Create a sustainable and scalable organization with ethical values and principles.
5. By becoming a star in any field such as films, sports, poetry, art,
politics or any profession.

Friday, September 19, 2014

LtG: Live to Give.

LtG: Live to Give. 

I got raised with 3 other siblings, in a respectable Jain family but unfortunately my father never got fortunate with money. But in spite of
scarcity of resources, what I observed in my childhood was that in
evening my mother used to make extra breads to be given in morning
to street animals. It got imprinted in my subconscious mind that, in spite of whatever resources you have, help the needy.

Most of us have thought and emotion that we shall give back to society
but we do not know what to do, where to do and how to do so that our
efforts and resources are utilized in best manner. Select one area such
as plant, animals, human being, health, children, women, environment
etc. and create long lasting positive difference. Help and service shall be
extended with an intension to feel joyful within. Ego shall be replaced with joy and kindness shall be replaced with compassion. It is
important to develop the habit of giving, whichever way and whatever possible.

5 Tips in Effective Giving:
1. Whatever your income, keep a small portion for help to needy.
2. Give out of love not kindness only.
3. Take care of the feeling of receiver.
4. Do not advertise about your giving.
5. Take special care of your close people and staff.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

LTC: Learn To Charm

LTC: Learn To Charm. 

Though now days it is not a common sight but you might have seen or at least heard of snake charmers. Snake charmer uses BEEN or PUNGI a musical instrument to charm the snake, and snake dances to the tunes of charmer. 

Our celebrities, sages, politicians are people charmer. They have such a charisma; people can do whatever they say without using their brain. 

In life if we wish to expand our circle of influence, we need to learn the art of charming the people. And if you learn this art, use it for welfare of people rather than fulfillment of vested interest. It is not necessary, you know how to do things, it is important you know how to get things done and that is easy when you know the art of charming people. 

5 Tips for charming people:

1.  Develop honesty in behavior and attitude.

2. Develop emotional intelligence to understand what people want and like.

3. Wear permanent smile on face.

4. Develop sweet speech and calm mind.

5. Genuinely appreciate people and help unconditionally.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

LMF: Let Money Flow.

LMF: Let Money Flow. 

Probably India is the only country where money is worshiped as Goddess. Our ancestors understood the importance of money and wealth since millenniums. Money is as important in life as blood is in body. As blood needs proper and continuous circulation, money also
needs to be kept flowing. Money is behind every thing whether it is good or bad. Money is neither good nor bad. Money is money. The good and bad depend on how people use it. Plan your finances in such a way that all your future major expenses and old age is taken care of.

People earn the money in 3 ways. First, as an individual, by using talent
and efforts. All employees and entrepreneurs fall under this category.
Secondly one can earn money through money. By investing in stocks,
bullion, property etc. Thirdly, by using talent of others to fulfill your
dreams. Never stop earning and creating wealth if you can do it
morally, legally and without taking much of stress. Let money keep
flowing for utilization of self, family, friends and society.

5 Tips About Money:
1. If God has given you capability to earn, keep earning and use for
2. Never ever use illegal & immoral ways to earn, rewards may be bitter.
3. Keep the money in circulation; hoarding will depreciate its value.
4. Plan for future meticulously.
5. Do not develop jealousy with people who are richer than you.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

LIT: Leader Inspires Team.

LIT: Leader Inspires Team. 

The performance of team is sum total of performance of all its
members and speed of the team is equivalent to its slowest member.
Hence a leader of team has no option but to keep inspire and motivate
each member of the team.
It is bound to happen that mood and performance level of each member will go through lots of ups and downs everyday. The task of leader is to keep track of each and every member and encourage them to perform at their optimum level. Find out their weaknesses and train
them so that lack of skill does not become hindrance in overall

The acid test for leader is to remain cheerful even when going through
rough patch. Leader can’t afford to keep his energy level down even for few minutes. Positive thoughts, encouraging words and enthusiastic
actions are qualities of effective leaders.

5 Tips about How to inspire teams:
1. You cannot inspire others if you are not motivated.
2. Give more weightage on capitalizing the strengths of the team
3. Regular organize training programs for staff, as per training need
4. Encourage in public and discipline in private.
5. Set the goals and keep clarity about what is expected from team

Monday, September 15, 2014

LII: Luck Is Individualistic

Luck Is Individualistic. 

We are a family of two brothers and two sisters and all four of us have different luck and different life. I am not telling you some thing new. It is same with every sibling. Parents give same food, same clothes, same culture, same efforts for education and up bringing; still each sibling right from childhood goes in different direction. That is why it is said that luck is individualistic. Every one has to go through his own pains and pleasures. 

Forget the siblings, a husband and wife, living together under same roof, using same comforts, controlling same money, owning same children still have their own pleasures and pains. We all are different at physical level, emotional level, intellectual level and spiritual level. Everyone has his own perception of life. Everyone enjoys and suffer the life differently even in same circumstances. Luck is eruption of your past Karma. 

5 Tips to deal with Luck:

1. What you are doing is in your hand but what is happening to you is part of your luck.

2. What is happening to you may not be in your control but how you react, is in your control.

3.  As my personal view, if you believe in luck then believe in past and future life also. It will make more sense.

4. Do not feel envy with the others destiny. It will give you pain only.

5. Logic of luck is unexplainable. Do not waste your time to find logic.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

LIE: Life Is Echo.

Life Is Echo. 

Life is like an echo. Whatever energies you send out, they come back.
What you give away, you get. What you sow you reap. If you give
pleasure to people, you will get happiness in life. If you give pain to
people, you will get suffering in life. Every action has got reaction.
I recall a small story. One day a small boy was making a pot of clay. His
father asked: for whom are you making it my son. He said for you dad.
When you get old, I will give you food in that. My grand father is also
using similar pot. His father got shocked and ashamed for treating his
parents badly. Life is boomerang. What you throw comes back to you.
Our children will learn more from our deeds than our words.
5 Tips about Life is an Echo:
1.Whenever you speak, make sure that you have capability to chew
back the words if required.
2. Children are observing. Be careful about your actions in front of
3. Give back to society.
4. Be clear about your role and do your duty.
5. Spread happiness and try to create positive difference in life of

LBL: Look Beyond Looks.

Look Beyond Looks. 

I was and still am choosy about food to some extent. Whenever a new
dish comes before me I used to have 3 stages of eating. First I eat with
eyes then with nose and then with the tongue. In this process it so
happened that I am still deprived of delicious food available worldwide.
In life also we get so obsessed with looks that most of the time we may
over look real qualities of things and inside beauty of people.

A great scientist, Albert Einstein, came in contact with very beautiful
lady and she proposed with an intention that your brain and my beauty
can give us wonderful children. Scientist declined by saying if reverse happens; your brain and my beauty. Jokes apart, beautiful faces may be deceiving. Look beyond the looks. Nothing is more beautiful than inside beauty of a person. 

5 Tips to Look at Beauty:
1. Do not decide any thing based on outer beauty.
2. Try to find inner qualities.
3. Use the things and Love the people rather than using the people
and loving the things.
4. Most of the people uses mask, trying to look behind that.
5. People are not difficult, they are different.

Friday, September 12, 2014


Keep Yourself Green. 

I do not recall where I read these three words recently but they caught my attention. Keep Yourself Green. Keeping green means keeping oneself always fresh, ageless, smiling, enthusiastic, optimistic etc. As soon as you wake up in morning, even before opening your eyes, bring smile on your face. Recite whichever prayer that you feel appropriate. Count your blessings. Thank God for whatever you have. Promise yourself that whatsoever may ever happen I will keep myself cool, fresh, positive and optimistic. 

This green attitude will bring lots of peace in your mind and happiness in your life. All your decisions will be right and actions will be effective. It will solve your problems without much effort and you will be able to create positive difference in your surroundings. Your aura will become wider and your influence will be deeper. Try it. 

5 Tips to keep you always green:
1. Before sleep close your eyes and fill your mind with positive thoughts.
2. Before opening your eyes in the morning, smile and fill your mind with positive thoughts.
3. As human being negativity and worries bound to come in our life, challenge is not to allow them to stay for long.
4. Specially, treat your juniors and children with smile and positivity.
5. Count your blessings. There are millions who are having dream to lead your kind of life.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

KIS: Keep It Simple.

Keep It Simple. 

The phrase is KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid. Really, if we do not keep things simple, we are no more than stupid. Unknowingly we make things, work, relationship so complicated, it spoils everything. It leads to unnecessary stress, wastage of time and energy. 

In work place, particularly in old organization, system becomes so complicated and cumbersome, which require more, energy, time and money to complete tasks. If you are doing some thing in same way for more than a year, chances are that you are doing it wrong. Whatever we are doing requires to be questioned, from time to time that, why we are doing it that way? If we question the methods and use our creativity, we will definitely find better way of doing that, much simpler and less expensive. 

This can be applied in relationships also. If we keep them simple by straight communication, we can have stronger relationships. We complicate our relationships by unnecessary assumptions and baseless lies. 
5 Tips to Keep Life Simple:
1. Be honest in behavior.
2. Review your systems and procedures regularly.
3. Use creativity and innovativeness in whatever you do.
4. Shorten the process by removing duplicities and bureaucracy.
5.  Keep taking feedback from people involved.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

INA: Idea Needs Actions.

Idea Needs Actions. 

Ideas without actions are like balloons without air. Everyday millions of
ideas are generated by billions of people but 99.99% do not see any
daylight. We have habit of killing our own ideas by not taking any action. We must maintain a small diary or maintain notes in our smart phones. As soon as idea flashes without any evaluation first note it down immediately. Our memory is short and in no time we may entirely forget, what the idea was. Idea can occur any time; at the
middle of night or sitting on the commode. Then give deep thought to idea, its workability, advantage,
disadvantage, and consequences. If you think it is implementable and going to bring good, talk with relevant people. Ask their views. Listen to
them. It is not necessary everyone is going to appreciate but getting
different dimension and views are important for further evaluation. Once you are convinced and your gut feeling says it's a good idea, start taking action to implement it. No idea will work unless you
start doing work.

5 Tips to get benefit from Ideas:
1. Note down your ideas.
2. Discuss your ideas with relevant people.
3. Do not get discouraged with some criticism.
4. If you are convinced, take immediate actions for implementation. 
5. Failures are inevitable, do not get discouraged by that.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Hear Both Sides. 

You might have come across a situation where 2 siblings are fighting
and one of sibling start crying and complain to Dad, without listening
the other side or investigating situation, the other sibling who doesn't
cry, get verbal lashes from Dad. It happens many times in life that we
get to hear one side and we create perception and opinion about other
side. If you go in depth and listen to both the sides; you will find that
single party is not the culprit. Both have made mistakes and finally
what has come to you is aggravated version of situation.

Many times we are also biased towards one party or we feel compassionate towards weaker one but if judgment is given without
listening to both the sides, you may regret later. Make it a habit, whenever you are in the role of judge, however tempting it may be, never give verdict without listening to the other side.

5 Tips for better Judgment:
1. Patience is prerequisite of better judgment.
2. Listen both the parties without any biases.
3. It is not necessary that weaker is always right.
4. It is not difficult to judge between right and wrong, it is difficult to judge between right and more right or wrong and more wrong.
5. Keep the greater purpose in mind while judging.

Monday, September 8, 2014



Honestly Be Polite. 

I am always cautious of people who have extremely sweet speech. People wear so many masks; it becomes difficult to judge their

intentions particularly when you are not fully acquainted with them. Politeness is the quality, very useful for creating, developing and

maintaining the relations. However if you are slightly dishonest in your politeness, people will find it out and will not trust you. Dishonesty in politeness means you have some other motto in your mind which is in contrast with your words. It means your speech and actions are not


There are people who are honest in heart but do not know how to be polite. Such people face difficulty in connecting with others. For politeness best instrument is smile. Though it is such a simple expression but some people fail to bring on face. Polite people normally rehearse the words and reframe before they shoot them. Initially cautious efforts are required however continuous practice makes man perfect.

5 Tips for becoming Polite:

1. Think before expressing.

2. Wear a permanent smile.

3. Every day meditation can help in controlling emotions.

4. Select your words cautiously.

5. Drop your ego.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

GoG: Grow or Go.


Grow or Go. 

Physical growth is inevitable but all other growth requires conscious efforts. I would like to divide growth in 2 parts. One is visible and outward growth and another is non-visible and inside growth. Most of us are after visible growth such as growth in money, power, fame and status. Money leads all of them. When 2 unknown people meet, they may not ask each other’s name but they would like to know about each other’s profession. Money has become the barometer of growth. There is nothing wrong in that as long as you control money rather than letting money control you. One must continuously make legitimate and genuine effort to grow money, which works as fuel for all other activities and passions. 

Another growth is not so visible such as strong relationships; enhancement of knowledge, depth of spirituality and wisdom etc. One must make continuous effort to grow these. This kind of growth lasts longer, even beyond your death. If you have stopped making effort for growing, you just exist not really living. 

5 Tips for focus on growth:

1. Growth is nature’s principle. It is not choice but is compulsion.

2. Select the area of growth with conscious choice because it will have long-term impact in your life.

3. Set the vision; choose the strategy and act upon that.

4. Keep patience, some time it may take longer to get reward of your efforts.

5. Failures are lessons on the path of growth.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

GiG: Guest is God.

Guest is God. 

I think India is the only country which has culture and tradition to treat guest like God. In Sanskrit ATITHI DEVO BHAVAH means guest is like God. Tourism department of India has adopted this as a tag line and is promoting tourism around this theme. However over a period of time, due to hectic life of cities and augmentation of materialism, there is a considerable decline in
honoring guest. Now days, in most of the houses, guest is treated as burden. At the same time when we go at someone's place as guest, we do not follow simple etiquettes of being guest. Over a period of time
focus has been shifted from what I can do for others to what others can do for me. We have become opportunist hence the people who are useful to us, we treat them well and people who are not useful, seems burden when they come to our home. In present time it may not be
possible to treat all guests as God but treat them as human being and do not leave your humanity.

5 Tips for treating the Guest:
1. Use your wisdom in differentiating between genuine and unauthentic
2. Extend your warm hospitality to genuine guests.
3. In case your work schedule is clashing, make sure they get proper
comfort and feeling of home at your place.
4. In case a guest is taking undue advantage of your hospitality, be firm and polite.
5. Never discuss your personal problems in front of your guest unless
and until they are close family members or friends.

Friday, September 5, 2014

FWF: Flow With Flow.

Flow With Flow. 

This tip is more useful when you want to take the path to spirituality. When the path of GYANA and BHAKTI start dominating over KARMA. Zen
philosophy teaches that live your life like river. Flow with the flow. Reduce resistance. When you flow with flow, there are very less frictions and life move towards peace and ultimate bliss.

Flip side of this tip is one can become dead log, lack enthusiasm; lack
motivation. This can make a man totally dull and dejected. Unless and
until desires and wishes are dying down, flow with flow is not possible rather it may give more pain than pleasure. However this tip can be
used partially in some role and for some time, particularly when it is
better to accept the circumstances and people rather than fight with
them. In present era when technology is changing with fast pace and
generation gap is reducing, if we do not flow with flow and keep complaining, life will become more painful. It is better to accept changes and flow with flow.

5 Tips to Flow with Flow:
1. Particularly in relationship Expect nothing; accept everything.
2. Do not complain. Offer solutions. 
3. People are not difficult; they are different. Try to understand them.
4. Develop equanimity with pain and pleasure.
5. Synchronize your thoughts, words and actions.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Learn From All. 

Every thing, every plant, every animal, every person and every situation
is a teacher if you are ready to be a student. I am compiling these tips
more for my self-learning than passing on to the readers. I wish I
should be student till my last breath. Though technology and Google
has given us knowledge on our fingertips, we can still learn a lot from our surroundings. “I know all” is the biggest illusion and highest ego.

The moment you think, you are a master, you lose your mastery. For continuous learning one needs to drop his ego completely. One needs to be consciously observant. One needs to keep all senses alert. Keep
open your eyes and ears. Never treat anyone inferior and consider yourself superior. When you will treat yourself as a student, you will treat everyone with respect as a teacher.

Take a simple example of a pencil; how many lessons we can learn from it. Unless and until it goes through the pain of sharpening, it is of
no use. What it has inside matter more than what it has outside. It is of no use unless it takes the help of finger. Lastly it has limited life.

5 Tips to Learn from All:
1. Nobody knows every thing but every body knows something.
2. Speak less; listen more.
3. Observe minutely.
4. Don’t blame. Learn from your own mistakes and failures.
5. While learning, keep your ego aside.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

FYC: Fulfill Your Commitment.

Fulfill Your Commitment. 

Think thousand times before making any commitment but once
committed, stay committed. Be aware of people who make quick
promises. Chances are that they will never fulfill and will find convincing excuses for it. Before making any commitment, ponder
upon all consequences. Check your capability, availability of time, and
sufficiency of resources, then only commit. Many times, in emotions we
commit some thing for life long, and after some time we start feeling stressed in meeting those commitments.

The people who do not complete task or are very casual about their
commitments, can never command respect from their family, friends,
co-workers and society. There may be a situation, when due to change
in external circumstances, it is impossible to fulfill your commitment or complete the task, sit with other party, explain reasons, convince them and assure them. That will save your reputation to be tarnished.

5 Tips to handle commitments:
1. Commit when absolutely necessary. However keep performing.
2. Commit less, deliver more.
3. Once committed, stay committed.
4. Keep transparency if it is impossible to meet commitment.
5. Do not falter on commitment just because of financial, time, energy
or resources loss.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Focus to Grow. 

A farmer was sitting sad and clueless for lack of water for farming. An
expert came and advised him dig 100 ft. and his water problem will be
solved. After a year the expert came back and saw farmer still sitting
sad. He asked reason for his grief. He said I dig 110 ft. but no water. He
asked show me where you dig. He showed him 11 holes of 10 ft. each.
If you wish to grow, put your all energy, time and resources at one
project or task in focused manner. Result is bound to be there. If you
are not focused, your all efforts will go in vein like that farmer.
Whether you are student and pursuing some course or in relationship
or working on a project or in a department, put all your efforts and
focus in one direction. Focus and pursue your single biggest
opportunity. It does not mean that one shall not diversify. But strategy
of diversification shall be adopted once your existing business is
already established and professionally running without much of your
interference and you have extra funds to risk without affecting your
existing business.

5 Tips to Focus:
1. Focus on one major goal at one time.
2. Take deep breath and concentrate.
3. Do not allow interruptions while you are focusing on one task.
4. If you can afford, keep mobile on silence and attend call with
5. Plan your day by making To-Do-List.

Monday, September 1, 2014

FRS: Fight Reduces Strength.

Fight Reduces Strength. 

Fight should be the last option and it should be the decision taken with
full consciousness. As far as possible it should not be opted at all.

However at times it is just not possible to reconcile, in that situation
also it is better to be on non-talking terms than to fight.

Fight reduces the strength of both the sides. It destroys mental,
emotional and physical strengths. It destroys the peace and entire
energy, time and money that has to be deployed which otherwise can
be utilized for constructive purpose.
Verbal, open and transparent communication is the best way to defuse
the fight and rather reconcile to achieve win-win situation. It is most of
the time not easy because vested interest play as negative force but still
trying to achieve win-win situation is always better.
5 Tips to avoid fight:
1. Stop communication as soon as you feel that fight is going to erupt.
2. Resume communication on next possible occasion.
3. Use mediator in case not possible to reconcile at own.
4. Some times, let it cool off. Time is biggest healer.
5. Forget and Forgive.