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Thursday, April 9, 2015

3 Mistakes, Human Make


Nothing is Perfect! Man is a bundle of mistakes. Life is a series of successes and failures. It is not possible to find a person who has not made any mistake and has never failed. Mostly, we come to know whether our action was right or wrong only when we get the result of that action. 


The root cause of every success and failure is our initial thoughts. Thoughts are the seeds of actions. Thought trigger emotions and emotions leads to actions. So, the process of actions can be divided in 4 major categories. The success of action mostly depends on what process we adopt. Since lot of external factors also determines the result of your action, the major reason of success and failure is the kind of process we adopt before taking action. 


1. Thinking Without Action - This is the first common mistake people make. Such people just keep thinking and due to fear of failure, they do not take any action. Hence, there is no question of success. 


2. Actions without Thinking - This is the second common mistake generally people make. Such types of people do not think about consequences but rashly take actions. Some time they may succeed but chances are more that their actions will not give proper results. Such people’s actions are governed by their emotions such as anger, unhappiness, overflow of happiness etc. 


3. Non-Synchronization of Thoughts and Actions - This is the third common mistake generally people make. Their thoughts and actions are not synchronized. They know beforehand that if they take particular actions, result may be disastrous but their emotions so much dominate their intellect that they forget the consequences and take actions which are more driven by their lust. It may happen that they are escaped from negative consequences but when they fail, they fail miserably and consequences are severe. Quick money, lust for sex, etc. fall in this category. 


4. Synchronization of Thoughts and Actions - This is the best process. Thinking properly about consequences and then taking action with well thought out strategy. Still it is not necessary that you will get success always but chances are that your actions will lead to success most of the times.


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