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Friday, July 18, 2014

ASC Avoid Short Cuts

Short cuts are always with the cuts. If a fruit takes certain number of days to grow, let that take its own time. By giving certain chemicals and fertilizers process may be hastened by few days but it can’t have same nutritional or taste values. In few circumstances short cuts may be beneficial but in most of the cases short cuts result in to inferior quality of final product or services. Nowadays, people are adopting all sorts of illegal and unethical practices for becoming wealthy. This approach might be beneficial in short term but one should also be ready to face adverse consequences of it sooner or later in life. 
At the same time, it does not mean that we cannot minimise unnecessary time taking processes. Efficiency is important but it should not be at the cost of quality and intrinsic value. There is nothing wrong in taking shortest path to achieve same quality and output. 
5 Tips for short cuts:
1. Do not compromise on natural process.
2. Do not compromise on quality.
3. Do not compromise on ethical and moral values.
4. Use short cuts to improve efficiency without compromising quality.
5.  Keep patience.

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