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Sunday, July 20, 2014

ABC to look in an employee

Often there is a question in mind, how to recruit and who to retain. After my 33 years of working in various industries/ sectors, in different countries and from lower level management to higher level leadership, I have acronym my formula as ABC.

ABILITY: First and foremost requirement to look into the candidate is his/ her ability to perform the role which is planned for him. So before starting search for candidate make job profile and role profile. Job profile to have description of job which need to be performed by new recruit and role profile will describe what kind of person is needed for that job. The requirement of qualification and relevant experience needed for that role. In organisation at what level you would like to recruit and what package you are ready to pay will also form a part of role profile.

In most of the organisation it show happens that we recruit a person based on availability or reference and try to fit him in the structure. We will try to fit a square in round and that will give pain both to the candidate and organisation. No candidate is bad or poor, he can be unfit for that role. For getting peak performance from the employee it is important that role and person both get fit into each other.

BEHAVIOUR: Positive attitude would have been right word however to make acronym ABC, I selected the word 'behaviour'. Apart from ability, positive attitude plays a vital role in giving peak performance. A person is having a positive attitude or negative attitude is mostly the result of genetic qualities, upbringing, education, past experience, training and culture of our own organisation. As per most of the HR professionals, person can be trained for ability but difficult to modify attitude. Human kinds are so unpredictable that they can change their behaviour as per time, people and circumstances. 

It is very difficult to check the behaviour of a person in an interview which does not last for 30 minutes in most of the cases. However there are various scientific methods and tests are available to have a better judgement about mental state of a candidate. It is always better to take help of experts particularly for critical positions. Past reference checks can also some time reveal about person's personality traits. 

Job profiles can mostly falls between 2extreme scale. One where a person is required as a solo performer where he will hardly be interacting with another person in organisation such roles are like research fellow or games where single player performance only matters. Other extreme is where team player is absolutely necessary. While checking behaviour traits one need match with job requirement also.

CHARACTER: Integrality or honesty is most desired quality needed in an employee particularly where long term association is desired. It is almost impossible to check while recruitment whether candidate is having strong character. While new recruitment except checking past references there is no other way to check integrity of a person. However few organisation take help of social media sites to check persons connections and posts.

Organisation must have strict policy for removing an employee where it is proved that employee has demonstrated dishonesty. Management face dilemma where employee is having above average abilities but found to be dishonest. My personal opinion is such employees should be terminated without any consideration. 

Fb: lodhah

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