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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

AIM Allow Intelligent Mistakes

Allowing mistakes is the first step for encouraging invention, innovation and initiatives. As a parent, as an elder, as a boss and as a leader in society, we tend to analyze and criticise actions of juniors. We develop an attitude of I AM OK, YOU ARE NOT OK. In this process either we create rebellions or the dumbs. 
Allowing mistake does not mean that you allow dumb and repeated mistakes. There is a saying “if you never commit mistake then you are in the category of God otherwise you are a human being. Nonetheless, if you repeat mistakes then you fall in the category of fools. Apart from your juniors, allow yourself also to make mistakes. Do not feel bad when on realizing your mistakes, do not blame others for the same.
When failures and mistakes are analyzed chances of repeating the same will drop drastically. Usually, mistakes occur due to ignorance, lack of knowledge and poor systems. When we do critical analysis, then, we could find innovative ways of not repeating them again. 
5 Tips how to handle mistakes
1. Find the intention behind mistake and deal accordingly. 
2. Learn lessons from mistakes. 
3. Avoid blame game. 
4. Encourage creativity, innovation and initiatives. 
5. Document it for future reference.

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