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Sunday, March 15, 2015

You Can Win!

Given a chance, would you attempt a task where the chance of success is 1 out of 300 million? Only insane will say YES. But, do you know that all of us have already attempted and succeeded too. Even after release of 300 sperms, probability of single sperm reaching an egg is exceptional and so the birth of a Human Life.

 50 years ago people lived in joint families and there used to be a line of children living under one roof and struggling for limited resources. During last 2-3 decades, scenario has changed drastically. Mostly there are nuclear families with 1 or 2 children, raised in most possible comfortable situation. Hence the realization of need to struggle for survival is very low. Science & Technology is making life as easy and comfortable as possible. The effect of this is - we are reducing our strengths (physical and mental both) to deal with unexpected/ out-of-the-blue situations. The stress level is increasing and we are developing all sorts of stress related diseases.

 Barring few, everyone is facing tough situation at some point of time in our life. The problems may be related to health, money or relationships. Due to weak immune power, small problems also appear as big as mountain and we lose happiness & peace of mind very quickly. So, make yourself physically and emotionally strong to face any situation and do not live in the illusion that your good time will last forever. If it lasts, treat yourself lucky. If you can win among 300 million, you have immense potential to win any battle of life! It’s just that you have to realize your true potential.

 5 tips to realize your potential: 

1. Remember you born as one among 300 million. Your genes have capability to survive & win.

2. Your own negative thoughts reduce your potential than anyone else. 

3. You cannot change your genes but you have infinite capability to change your environment and circumstances. 

4. Do not compare and compete with others. Competition limits your capabilities. 

5. Continuously think and act for growth. It is our basic nature to grow. 

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