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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Nurture Natural Talent

Once upon a time God decided to conduct competition among all the things he created so far. Various things, plants, animals and human being came forward to participate. The first competition was for the Best SmellSandal-wood won the competition because it didn’t lose its amazing smell inspite of rubbing till end. The second competition was for the Best TasteSugarcane won the competition because it didn’t lose its sweet taste inspite of all twist and turns. Last competition was for the Best AppearanceGold won the competition because it didn’t lose its shine inspite of continuous heating.

When God called all the three objects to give away the prize, he found that all of them were sad. He asked all of them for their reason of sadness. Sandal wood said, “God you gave me the best smell of universe, but didn’t bestow me any taste or beautiful appearance.” Sugar cane said, “God you gave me best taste, but neither smell nor good appearance.” Gold said, “God you gave me best appearance but neither gave any taste nor any smell.” God smiled and said, “I have all the 3 qualities, what you individually have. I have given one of my best qualities to you. You are supposed to maintain what is bestowed upon you and be happy.”

 The man was standing and witnessing the entire event. He asked the God, “Sir you have given one specific quality to every creature. What about me? What is my inherent quality?” God said, “My son, you are unique! Objects, plants and animals of same type are similar in nature but every human being is unique. I have given you the mind and intellect to find that unique quality and continuously explore and flourish the same. However, humanity is the common quality I have granted to every human.” Humanity is defined as compassion, fellow feeling, brotherly love, empathy, benevolence, generosity, magnanimity etc.

5 tips to flourish your uniqueness. 

1.  Find out what you are best at. If not able to, take help of experts.

2. Parents and teachers have a greater responsibility to find out uniqueness of child. Flourish/ grow and refine it. 

3. Focus on that unique quality and invest your time and energy to make it continuously better. 

4. Whatever you do and wherever you reach, never leave humanity. 

5. People may criticize you for the qualities or abilities you are not good at, just ignore them.


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