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Friday, August 29, 2014



Flexibility Creates Acceptability. 

We can’t shape any metal be it iron, silver or gold, if we do not make it flexible first. Once the shape is given and flexibility is removed, you can’t give any other shape unless you break it, melt it, remold it. Just imagine if we do not have proper joints and flexibility in our body, we will not be able to live even for a day. The moment we die our body starts becoming stiff and there is no option but to bury it. 

In life also if we do not keep our behavior and attitude flexible, we will not be acceptable in family, friends, work and society. If we keep our thoughts and opinion firm, with no scope to consider others view, people will start maintaining distance from us. It does not mean that we become spineless. We need to have our own conviction but not disrespect the beliefs of other people. Many a times situations arise where you are strongly feeling that you are right and other is not thinking or acting correctly, even in such case also the best strategy is to listen and try to understand why the other person is thinking or acting in the way which is not confirming your thoughts. 

5 Tips to develop flexibility in Attitude:

1. Do not keep attitude of I AM OK, YOU ARE NOT OK. Develop attitude of I AM OK, YOU ARE OK. 

2. Listen. The empathy towards other will make you flexible and acceptable. 
3. Respect the differences in personality.

4. Learn to let go the matters, which are not very important.
5. Relationship is more important than your convictions.

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