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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

EWH: Education Widens Horizon.

Education Widens Horizon. 

Here is real story of a boy who never cleared his exams till standard 8th without grace marks, failed twice; in standard 7th and 9th. Completed graduation in Hindi medium. Completed CA because his father had strong desire that his son should be a Chartered Accountant. This is ME, today whatever little success I have, the entire credit goes to my father and my education. 

Education never stops with your formal education. I wish I could read till my last breath. By religion I am Jain and we believe in next birth. I wish in next birth I want to devote entire life studying Sanskrit so that I can read Veda, Upanishad, Geeta and our Scriptures. So much of wisdom gained by our Rishis is hidden there. I wish I could get part of it. 

Education widens horizon, one can have a higher vision, clarity of thoughts, wisdom of talk and purity of action. That can lead life of peace and happiness.

5 Tips for continuous learning:
1. Give as much education as possible to your children.
2. Keep learning even after completion of formal education by reading books, magazines etc. Keep attending seminar, exhibitions etc.
3. Travel a lot, this help in widening horizon.
4. Be observant of each and every thing.
5. Develop a habit of writing.

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