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Saturday, September 5, 2015


Receive - Reflect - Respond
रहे चपल जो सोच में, रखते चित्त सचेत।
वाणी पर अंकुश रखे, तो फल ईश्वर देत।।

Receive - Reflect Respond


Except when we are sleeping, our mind is engaged in one of the 3 activities - Receiving, Reflecting and Responding. We receive inputs from our environment through our senses then we analyses those inputs by reflecting and finally we respond as per the decision/signal given by our brain. 


Even the animals do all these 3 things. However, their capacity of reflection is limited to food, safety and sex. We human beingsare fortunate to inherit better brain which reflects by analyzingand understanding the situation based on present circumstances and past experiences. But irony is that most of us do not use full capacity and potential of reflection and very quickly respond without thinking about consequences. 


5 Tips for better reflection on thoughts:


1. Do not react quickly. Hold your response if possible. 

2. Analyze the inputs from various angles. 

3. Try to see the situation from various stakeholders’ point of view. 

4. Listen views of others who are concerned with situation. 

5. Always keep plan B ready in case your response is not giving desired results.

रहे चपल जो सोच में, रखते चित्त सचेत।
वाणी पर अंकुश रखे, तो फल ईश्वर देत।।

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