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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Keep building bridges

Keep Building Bridges


From first breath to last breath our personality changes at 4 levels. Physical, Psychological/ Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual. Physical changes are visible. However other 3 changes may not be visible. Because of these changes one person is different from another person. Because of these differences each person behaves in a different way which sometimes becomes the reason of conflict. 


In life every person we meet, we try to find common ground, attractions, liking and interests and develop relationship. These attractions and interests create bridges between 2 people’spersonality differences at these 4 levels. If bridges are narrow and we keep strengthening these bridges, relationship becomebetter and better. The day we build a bridge at spiritual level, relationship becomes long lasting. 


Relationship at Physical level:

Physical relation may start with a handshake or a hug. If it happens with opposite sex, it may sometimes end up in sexual relations. It is more guided by sensual desires/needs and once that need is fulfilledits attraction is lost. However this need may grow continuously, becoming a strong habit which helps couple to live longer together. However, if need is exclusively at physical level, chances are more that it will be fulfilled soon and result into separation. 


Relationship at Emotional level:

Most of the personal relationships whether with family, relatives or friends, are guided by emotions. Basis of emotional bonding is sacrifice, care and love. It works like an emotional bank account. The day you withdraw more than you have deposited, relationships start sliding. To make relationship strong on emotional ground it requires you to give, give and give. 


Relationship at Intellectual level:

Most of the professional and social relationships are based on intellectual level. In such relationship, we give and we take. We give performance, we get reward. Reward may be in form of money, fame or power but such relationships are purely based on self interest. 


Relationship at Spiritual level:

To develop such kind of relationship, it requires highest level of wisdom. At this level a person ignores all differences at physical, emotional and intellectual level and develops an ability to see another person at soul/ supreme level. He considers other person like himself (at the soul level). One accepts the other person as he is. Not as he wants. Differences, conflicts or confrontations completely melt down. 


It is not that we have connection with another person at one level only. We have mostly mix of all these levels. The problem arises when these 4 levels are not in harmony and bridges created are weak or we burn those bridges by our stupidity. If you wish to have strong relationships, keep narrowing bridges and keep strengthening bridges by love, care, intelligence and wisdom. 


5 tips for building bridges of relationship at different levels:


1. First decide to what extend you need to build bridge in particular relationship. For example, it may not be appropriate to have physical relation with a person other than spouse or intimate emotional relation with your office staff. Having right knowledge of limits in relationship is key to develop long lasting relationship. 
2. Each relationship is separate and each requires different bridge at all the 4 levels. 
3. Keep building, narrowing, strengthening bridges by love, care, intelligence and wisdom. 
4. Clear communication is key to remove any misunderstanding and it helps in building everlasting relationship. 
5. Keep analyzing relationship. It's a continuous process. Accept mistakes without hesitation. Forget and forgive.

तन मन बुद्धि से बँधे , रिश्ते बने अनेक।
परम आत्मा से जुड़े, बिरला कोई एेक।।


Saturday, September 5, 2015


Receive - Reflect - Respond
रहे चपल जो सोच में, रखते चित्त सचेत।
वाणी पर अंकुश रखे, तो फल ईश्वर देत।।

Receive - Reflect Respond


Except when we are sleeping, our mind is engaged in one of the 3 activities - Receiving, Reflecting and Responding. We receive inputs from our environment through our senses then we analyses those inputs by reflecting and finally we respond as per the decision/signal given by our brain. 


Even the animals do all these 3 things. However, their capacity of reflection is limited to food, safety and sex. We human beingsare fortunate to inherit better brain which reflects by analyzingand understanding the situation based on present circumstances and past experiences. But irony is that most of us do not use full capacity and potential of reflection and very quickly respond without thinking about consequences. 


5 Tips for better reflection on thoughts:


1. Do not react quickly. Hold your response if possible. 

2. Analyze the inputs from various angles. 

3. Try to see the situation from various stakeholders’ point of view. 

4. Listen views of others who are concerned with situation. 

5. Always keep plan B ready in case your response is not giving desired results.

रहे चपल जो सोच में, रखते चित्त सचेत।
वाणी पर अंकुश रखे, तो फल ईश्वर देत।।