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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Keep building bridges

Keep Building Bridges


From first breath to last breath our personality changes at 4 levels. Physical, Psychological/ Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual. Physical changes are visible. However other 3 changes may not be visible. Because of these changes one person is different from another person. Because of these differences each person behaves in a different way which sometimes becomes the reason of conflict. 


In life every person we meet, we try to find common ground, attractions, liking and interests and develop relationship. These attractions and interests create bridges between 2 people’spersonality differences at these 4 levels. If bridges are narrow and we keep strengthening these bridges, relationship becomebetter and better. The day we build a bridge at spiritual level, relationship becomes long lasting. 


Relationship at Physical level:

Physical relation may start with a handshake or a hug. If it happens with opposite sex, it may sometimes end up in sexual relations. It is more guided by sensual desires/needs and once that need is fulfilledits attraction is lost. However this need may grow continuously, becoming a strong habit which helps couple to live longer together. However, if need is exclusively at physical level, chances are more that it will be fulfilled soon and result into separation. 


Relationship at Emotional level:

Most of the personal relationships whether with family, relatives or friends, are guided by emotions. Basis of emotional bonding is sacrifice, care and love. It works like an emotional bank account. The day you withdraw more than you have deposited, relationships start sliding. To make relationship strong on emotional ground it requires you to give, give and give. 


Relationship at Intellectual level:

Most of the professional and social relationships are based on intellectual level. In such relationship, we give and we take. We give performance, we get reward. Reward may be in form of money, fame or power but such relationships are purely based on self interest. 


Relationship at Spiritual level:

To develop such kind of relationship, it requires highest level of wisdom. At this level a person ignores all differences at physical, emotional and intellectual level and develops an ability to see another person at soul/ supreme level. He considers other person like himself (at the soul level). One accepts the other person as he is. Not as he wants. Differences, conflicts or confrontations completely melt down. 


It is not that we have connection with another person at one level only. We have mostly mix of all these levels. The problem arises when these 4 levels are not in harmony and bridges created are weak or we burn those bridges by our stupidity. If you wish to have strong relationships, keep narrowing bridges and keep strengthening bridges by love, care, intelligence and wisdom. 


5 tips for building bridges of relationship at different levels:


1. First decide to what extend you need to build bridge in particular relationship. For example, it may not be appropriate to have physical relation with a person other than spouse or intimate emotional relation with your office staff. Having right knowledge of limits in relationship is key to develop long lasting relationship. 
2. Each relationship is separate and each requires different bridge at all the 4 levels. 
3. Keep building, narrowing, strengthening bridges by love, care, intelligence and wisdom. 
4. Clear communication is key to remove any misunderstanding and it helps in building everlasting relationship. 
5. Keep analyzing relationship. It's a continuous process. Accept mistakes without hesitation. Forget and forgive.

तन मन बुद्धि से बँधे , रिश्ते बने अनेक।
परम आत्मा से जुड़े, बिरला कोई एेक।।


Saturday, September 5, 2015


Receive - Reflect - Respond
रहे चपल जो सोच में, रखते चित्त सचेत।
वाणी पर अंकुश रखे, तो फल ईश्वर देत।।

Receive - Reflect Respond


Except when we are sleeping, our mind is engaged in one of the 3 activities - Receiving, Reflecting and Responding. We receive inputs from our environment through our senses then we analyses those inputs by reflecting and finally we respond as per the decision/signal given by our brain. 


Even the animals do all these 3 things. However, their capacity of reflection is limited to food, safety and sex. We human beingsare fortunate to inherit better brain which reflects by analyzingand understanding the situation based on present circumstances and past experiences. But irony is that most of us do not use full capacity and potential of reflection and very quickly respond without thinking about consequences. 


5 Tips for better reflection on thoughts:


1. Do not react quickly. Hold your response if possible. 

2. Analyze the inputs from various angles. 

3. Try to see the situation from various stakeholders’ point of view. 

4. Listen views of others who are concerned with situation. 

5. Always keep plan B ready in case your response is not giving desired results.

रहे चपल जो सोच में, रखते चित्त सचेत।
वाणी पर अंकुश रखे, तो फल ईश्वर देत।।

Sunday, August 16, 2015

To Win, Keep Wild Card!!

Always Carry Wild Card in Your Pocket


According to Google, Wild Card means:

1. A playing card that can have any value, suit, color, or other property in a game at the discretion of the player holding it. 

2. An opportunity to enter a sports competition without having to take part in qualifying matches or be ranked at a particular level. 


I will call Wild Card a sort of Brahmastra (ब्रह्मास्त्र) - the ultimate tool, which one can use to overcome most difficult situation in life. On lighter side, just as most of the females use their tears as a last resort to turn the entire table on their side. Whether in personal life or professional life, situation arises due to unexpected events in your environment which are out of your control. In personal life, events such as unexpected death of dear one, failure in any relationship etc., in professional life; events such as change of job, change of boss, unexpected entry of new product or new competitor, new government rule etc. 


During ancient times, people used to practice lot of meditation to acquire various weapons. Similarly in this modern era one should prepare themselves by keeping all the senses alert and deeply imagine about unexpected eventsdevising alternatives to deal with such situations. Building and keeping wild cards means creating resources, alternatives etc. to deal with unexpected situations so that damage can be minimized or even benefit can be obtained from such situation. If you have wild cards, you can convert problems into opportunities. It may so happen that wild card is never used but that gives a feeling of insurance towards unwanted/unexpected event in life. 


Many people keep very good relations with powerful people. So whenever the situation arises they can unleash the potential of their contacts. Major wild cards are in form of resources and contacts. Money is one of the most powerful wild card in present era. However, continuous enhancement of wisdom in your professional and personal wife will help you in dealing any difficult situation. 


5 Tips to create wild cards in your armor:


1. Continuously enhance your wisdom so that you get very less surprises in your life. 

2. Continuously build resources in your life in form of money, wealth, reputation and contacts. You never know when it will be able to pull you out of mess. 

3. Use wild cards to convert your problems into opportunities. Creativity and innovation is needed to sharpen continuously. 

4. Do not disclose your wild cards to opponent till last moment. It will give you strength and courage to deal with any situation. 

5. Mental and emotional toughness is the strongest wild card one can develop by continuously enhancing wisdom. 



Monday, August 10, 2015

Which kind of organisation you belong to??

 4 Types of Organisation:

If we try to establish correlation with animals in terms of how they live, we can compare & classify human organization in 4 different categories, analogously. Mostly animals live in the following 4 situations/states:


Jungle Raj:

In Jungle type of organization, power plays major role. Strong dominates weak. It lacks vision, effective strategy and efficient systems. Might is right. Authority is centralized. No delegation of power. Communication is one way from top to bottom. Authority is not given, rather it is grabbed. Favoritism is prevalent and justice/fairness is denied. Mostly autocratic kind of organizations falls in this category. 


Stable (तबेला) type of organizations:  

In this type of organizationemployees are treated like pet animals. They are retained as long as they can give milk i.e prove their usefulness in any way to the employer. Hire and fire or use and throw kind of policy. Individual performance matters more than team work. Even some time team works is considered when there is union formation and hence threat to the owner. Most of the family organizations work in this fashion. If you perform, you get carrot and if not you are thrown out. Focus on training and development is less



Zoo type of organizations are mostly bureaucratic where animal in one cage is not bothered and do not care about who is there in another cage. Most of the government organizations fall in this category. Systems are rigid and bureaucratic. Communication is formal. Team work is lacking. Individual goals matter more than organizational goals. 



This type of organization is very professional. Everyone is trained to perform in unison. Roles are defined but everyone needs to work in harmony. Systems are most efficient. Organizational goals are aligned to individual potentials. In such type of organization, unique lives united



Thursday, June 18, 2015

24 Minutes of Yoga, 24 Hours of Happiness

24 minutes of Yoga; 24 Hrs of Happiness. 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Don't be Just Human. Be Dev!!

Indian astrology has divided entire human race in 3 categories depending upon their basic qualities like:

1. Dev (Angel)

2. Manav (Human) 

3. Raakshass (Demon)


If you want yourself to be remembered in the history, then either be Dev or Raakshass. Normal human being has never been remembered. We remember Ram-Ravana, Krishna-KansArjun-Duryodhan and Gandhi-Hitler. Normal human being has to remain at mercy of both Dev and RaakshassRaakshass wants to kill and Dev wants to protect. In a fight of Dev and Raakshass, normal human beings are crushed. Every one of us has all the 3 characterssitting within. Who will become strong depends upon to whom we feed more. As per Indian mythology, Dev are more powerful than Raakshass as they use power for good whereas Raakshass use power for bad/destruction. It is a rule of nature that weak shall not survive. 


The message of Ahimsa (non-violence) by Buddha, Mahavir and Gandhi is misunderstood by the masses. Non-violence does not mean to be weak and not to protect self. Protection is basic need of all. How it is possible that such great philosophers will give us the message to stay weak. Dev and Raakshass both gather power but the intentions of both are different. Gain and gather high power. Be powerful but keep your intentions like Dev. Use power to save weak & kill the Raakshass/evil. It's an eternal fight everywhere around as well as within. Continuously move towards becoming Dev. Being human means becoming Dev. 


5 tips on how to become Dev:


1. Dev and Raakshass both collect ASTRA (weapons) to be powerful. In modern world main Astra/weapons are money, political and bureaucratic power, fame and social contacts. Collect it as much as possible but through good means and with good intentions. 

2. To become powerful one need to be fearless. Strong character makes one fearless. Never compromise with principles otherwise you will have money, power and fame but fear within. 

3. In today's world creating social network is not difficult. Connect with good powerful people. 

4. Whatever the capabilities you have, help and train your surrounding people to become Dev from Manav. They will become your force in future. 

5. Utilize your power to protect weak and fight with Raakshass. Demonstrating your power is as important as having it. Raakshasoutside and within should know that you are more powerful than them. 



Thursday, June 4, 2015

“7 Billion Dreams. 1 Planet. Consume with Care”


Today is June 5 - World Environment Day (WED). Every year thisday is celebrated to raise global awareness to take positive action for environment. It was established by United Nations General Assembly in 1972 on the day when UN conference on Human Environment began. Every year UN unveils theme for the WED. This year’s theme is "7 Billion Dreams. 1 Planet. Consume with care."


You might have heard saying One Women 100 Suitor or in Hindi  एक अनार सौ बीमारthat fits well with present condition of our planet earth. 7 billion people (dreams) and just one Mother Earth issupposed to fulfill the dreams of all by providing resources to each and every one.


If we spiritually look in to the situation, one will find that Mother Earth is least bothered about the weirdness of human dreams. Mother Earth has given 5 elements - Air, Water, Matter, Fire and Space and the overall quantity is fixed. Human can just change the composition, shape and color but in reality the total resources remains same. Mother Earth does not have worry about the rise or drop of temperatures, earthquakes or volcanoes, storms or tsunami. It is the human being who is getting affected by abusing the nature.Survival of human being is at stake and billions of other animals suffer without any faultIn the context of nature protection, animalsare more intelligent species than human because they probablyunderstand the balance needed on earth and hence they live in complete harmony with nature. But human being, who is continuously evolving and striving for the best resources, does not live or act according to nature’s will. In this process humans are destroying their own dwellings by acting against nature.


Message of this year’s theme is "Consume with Care." The intention of UN is to reinforce the awareness amongst global human race to adapt 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle). I go 55 years back and recall my life as a child in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. We used to follow all these 3 principles without any formal education or understanding their impact on environment. First R is Reduce our electric and water consumption to a bare minimum. We were not allowed to waste food and used to get new set of clothes only once in a year on diwaliThus, Consumption was less even though people had enough money. 


Reuse was the way of life. Like, using leftover food for breakfast on the next day morning by re-cooking it or using discarded cloth bags for buying vegetables and other shopping, making paper bags from used note books and old newspapers etc. I have gone through excellent example of water recycling. In Rajasthan there was an acute shortage of water. My mother use to give me bath in tub, reuse that water for washing the clothes in tub, again reuse the same water for mopping the floor and finally use the same water for flushing in the toilet. Now-a-days, this 3R concept is heard in corporate/environment conclaves but very little is known and practiced in modern urban homes. 


5 tips for making WED meaningful:


1. Apply 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) in day to day life in true sense. 

2. Do not miss an opportunity to plant a tree and taking care of the same. 

3. As far as possible, use renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, organic food and fertilizers etc. 

4. Implement rain water harvesting in your premises. 

5. Educate your children, friends and family about "Consume with Care" and forward this message in your groups.