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Sunday, August 16, 2015

To Win, Keep Wild Card!!

Always Carry Wild Card in Your Pocket


According to Google, Wild Card means:

1. A playing card that can have any value, suit, color, or other property in a game at the discretion of the player holding it. 

2. An opportunity to enter a sports competition without having to take part in qualifying matches or be ranked at a particular level. 


I will call Wild Card a sort of Brahmastra (ब्रह्मास्त्र) - the ultimate tool, which one can use to overcome most difficult situation in life. On lighter side, just as most of the females use their tears as a last resort to turn the entire table on their side. Whether in personal life or professional life, situation arises due to unexpected events in your environment which are out of your control. In personal life, events such as unexpected death of dear one, failure in any relationship etc., in professional life; events such as change of job, change of boss, unexpected entry of new product or new competitor, new government rule etc. 


During ancient times, people used to practice lot of meditation to acquire various weapons. Similarly in this modern era one should prepare themselves by keeping all the senses alert and deeply imagine about unexpected eventsdevising alternatives to deal with such situations. Building and keeping wild cards means creating resources, alternatives etc. to deal with unexpected situations so that damage can be minimized or even benefit can be obtained from such situation. If you have wild cards, you can convert problems into opportunities. It may so happen that wild card is never used but that gives a feeling of insurance towards unwanted/unexpected event in life. 


Many people keep very good relations with powerful people. So whenever the situation arises they can unleash the potential of their contacts. Major wild cards are in form of resources and contacts. Money is one of the most powerful wild card in present era. However, continuous enhancement of wisdom in your professional and personal wife will help you in dealing any difficult situation. 


5 Tips to create wild cards in your armor:


1. Continuously enhance your wisdom so that you get very less surprises in your life. 

2. Continuously build resources in your life in form of money, wealth, reputation and contacts. You never know when it will be able to pull you out of mess. 

3. Use wild cards to convert your problems into opportunities. Creativity and innovation is needed to sharpen continuously. 

4. Do not disclose your wild cards to opponent till last moment. It will give you strength and courage to deal with any situation. 

5. Mental and emotional toughness is the strongest wild card one can develop by continuously enhancing wisdom. 



Monday, August 10, 2015

Which kind of organisation you belong to??

 4 Types of Organisation:

If we try to establish correlation with animals in terms of how they live, we can compare & classify human organization in 4 different categories, analogously. Mostly animals live in the following 4 situations/states:


Jungle Raj:

In Jungle type of organization, power plays major role. Strong dominates weak. It lacks vision, effective strategy and efficient systems. Might is right. Authority is centralized. No delegation of power. Communication is one way from top to bottom. Authority is not given, rather it is grabbed. Favoritism is prevalent and justice/fairness is denied. Mostly autocratic kind of organizations falls in this category. 


Stable (तबेला) type of organizations:  

In this type of organizationemployees are treated like pet animals. They are retained as long as they can give milk i.e prove their usefulness in any way to the employer. Hire and fire or use and throw kind of policy. Individual performance matters more than team work. Even some time team works is considered when there is union formation and hence threat to the owner. Most of the family organizations work in this fashion. If you perform, you get carrot and if not you are thrown out. Focus on training and development is less



Zoo type of organizations are mostly bureaucratic where animal in one cage is not bothered and do not care about who is there in another cage. Most of the government organizations fall in this category. Systems are rigid and bureaucratic. Communication is formal. Team work is lacking. Individual goals matter more than organizational goals. 



This type of organization is very professional. Everyone is trained to perform in unison. Roles are defined but everyone needs to work in harmony. Systems are most efficient. Organizational goals are aligned to individual potentials. In such type of organization, unique lives united