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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Comfort zone

Comfort zone can give you bread. For butter, step out!

Intensity of desire & the power to achieve is the thing that differentiates humans from animals. Animals are satisfied with the food they get once in a day but humans have higher desire/wants and makes effort to accumulate at least for 7 generations. Philosophically it may not be right but humans havea natural desire to grow and there is nothing wrong in making continuous efforts for achieving the growth. 

Study shows that children who are raised in a comfort zone perform poorly in studies as compared to children whose future is not secured by their parents. Comfort zone can give normal growth but to reach next level one need to step out and take risk. Why it happens that employees in private sector are more productive even though they are paid less as compared to public sector and government employees. The reason is simple. Job of government sector employees is secured and private sector employee can keep his job as long as he is performing. 

After completing education, you will find that students who choose job, deep inside they are searching for comfort zone and students who are ready to take risks and face the world, would try out entrepreneurship. If you are presently living in a comfort zone due to any reason but want to go next level and grow exponentially, step out and take risks.

5 Steps for getting out of the comfort zone:-

1. First identify, whether you are in comfort zone and do you have any need to leave it. If your growth since last 5 years is not more than 5-10% theyou are living in the comfort zone.
2.  Do your SWOC analysis - Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges.
3.  Consciously search opportunities in your areas of strength.
4.  Make proper business plan and do risk analysis.
5. Choose most appropriate opportunity as per your SWOC analysis and take action to make it successful.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Never Be Sarcastic.

Monday, January 12, 2015

What is your score?

In December 2014, visitors from 124 countries read 10,003 pages on my website. When I was going through this report from Google analytics, I realized that most goal oriented people keep a constant eye on some kind of a score. This score may be related to money, work or passion. That score gives a sense of achievement and feeling of success. Many times that score may not make any sense to others but for that person it provides the focus to stay on the path and the drive to achieve more and more and thus move closer to or even surpass the set goals. Just to make it clear, Goal is the final destination one need to arrive at and score is to keep track how far one has reached.

It is important to achieve desired goals but the kind of goals you are pursuing is more important. If you pursue insignificant things in life your success will be mediocre. Effectiveness is more important in life than efficiency. At work, bottom line may be more critical than top line. For marketing executive total value of orders may be more important than total number of orders. For sportsman number of wins may be more important cumulative scores.

5 Tips to pursue right Goal:

1.     Find out the most important and critical parameter of your success and performance. Set the worthwhile goals.

2.     Set minimum 3 and maximum 5 major targets.

3.     Create efficient system to measure and maintain your score.

4.     Review your score periodically and if needed reset it. 

5.     Take the help of experts if needed. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Love is Quintessence

LIQ- Love Is Quintessence. 5 tips to love universally. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

KYG: Keep Yourself Green

KYG: Keep Yourself Green. 5 Tips to remain always happy. 

Keep it simple

5 steps to keep simplicity in every thing we do.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Fear is Psychological

Fear Is Psychological. 5 Tips to overcome fear.  

Fear is not logical, most of the time it is psychological. Here I am not covering fear like threat of terrorist attack etc. Psychological fears are of various types. Fear of failing, fear of loneliness, fear of heights, fear of darkness, fear of accident, death etc. Probably the reasons for such fear is impressions and experiences gained knowingly or unknowingly in childhood or at later stage. According to Hindu mythology fears can be carried forward from previous births as well.

Though most of the fears are hindrance in progress, particularly fear of failing is dangerous. However certain amount of fear is good to generate performance. I have worked in various countries and with people of various nationality and I have experienced that Indians perform better when they have little fear of their seniors. Best way to deal with fear is to FACE IT. When you face the fear head on, fear vanishes and your confidence increases. Once you slay one fear, you 
will get confidence to conquer all the fears of your life and you can reach the stage of fearlessness. 

5 Tips to deal with fear. 

1. Face it.
2. Most of the people can fight with
the fear by having faith in God.
3. If it is a serious problem, take the 
help of a psychiatrist. 
4. Conquer the smaller fears that will give you courage to deal with bigger fears.
5. Meditation, Yoga and Pranayama may help in overcoming fear.

अक्सर हमको रस्सियाँ, दिखती सर्प समान। 
भय का कारण मैं सदा, कहे मनोविज्ञान।।

Guest is God

Guest is God. 5 tips for treating guests
Guest is God
I think India is the only country which has culture and tradition to treat
guest like God. In Sanskrit ATITHI DEVO BHAVAH means guest is like
God. Tourism department of India has adopted this as a tag line and is
promoting tourism around this theme.
However over a period of time, due to hectic life of cities and
augmentation of materialism, there is a considerable decline in
honoring guest. Now days, in most of the houses, guest is treated as
burden. At the same time when we go at someone's place as guest, we
do not follow simple etiquettes of being guest. Over a period of time
focus has been shifted from what I can do for others to what others can
do for me. We have become opportunist hence the people who are
useful to us, we treat them well and people who are not useful, seems
burden when they come to our home. In present time it may not be
possible to treat all guests as God but treat them as human being and
do not leave your humanity.
5 Tips for treating the Guest:
1. Use your wisdom in differentiating between genuine and unauthentic
2. Extend your warm hospitality to genuine guests.
3. In case your work schedule is clashing, make sure they get proper
comfort and feeling of home at your place and understand that you
are doing your best for them..
4. In case a guest is taking undue advantage of your hospitality, be firm
and polite.
5. Never discuss your personal problems in front of your guest unless
and until they are close family members or friends.

When you are poles apart

5 Tips When you are poles apart. 

When you are poles apart!!

Entire earth's existence is dependent on the North and the South Pole. The earth is embraced by these two poles. Just as both the banks keep river flowing, both the tracks keep train moving,similarly both parents keep family growing. It so happens that most of the couples are way apart in physical outlook, mental state of mind, intellectual level or spiritual level. However if they understand their differences then life is wonderful and if they do not then their life is miserable.

It is very rare that both the husband and wife have same opinion on various day to day issues of life. But respecting each other's opinion can reduce the friction and can make life lovable and livable. 

5 Tips for opposite couple:

1. Never put your proposal for any subject without proper thought and strategy. 
2. Never react instantaneously if you have opposite views on any proposal put up by your partner. 
3. Try to keep issue at discussion level instead of drifting towards argument stage. 
4. If the issue has no long term significance, drop it if consensus is not possible. 
5. Keep happiness and peace the main goal.  

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Fulfil Your Commitment.

Fulfil Your Commitments. 5 tips to handle commitments.