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Monday, June 16, 2014

9 Questions Before Actions

1. What you want to do?

The first and foremost question is what You want to do. It can be from a next step to as complex as what is the purpose of your life. It is like setting vision, fixing targets, deciding goals etc. it may be planning vacation, preparing for exam, organising project. 

2. Why You want to do?

Once it is thought of what You want to do than next question is why You want to do. What finally You will achieve by doing that. 

3. Is there any better option? 

4. What benefit You will get?

This question is similar to above question but with more specific about what benefit You are going to get from above action. You may get money, a relationship, fame, power, happiness or bliss. 

5. What benefit others will get?

Whether your action will result into benefit to others apart from benefits you are going to get. Is your family member, friend, boss, coworker, subordinate, society or nation going to get benefit from this.
6. Will it be harmful to any one?

It may so that there is no benefit to others but make sure that it will not be harmful to others including nature. 

7. How can You do?

Once it is decided what and why the next question is how you are going to do that. What resources will be required to do that. What procedure and path to be followed to achieve.  You alone can do or you will need help of others in completing task. Who are the right persons and whether they will be willing to help. What will motivate them to help in completing your task. 

8.  When You shall do?

It is important to have right timing for doing what you want to do. Some time wrong timings can miserably fail your action. 

9. Where shall you do?

Along with timing, place is also important. Wrong choice of place can fail the entire project.